Thinking about some things

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xTreefin's avatar

So, I've had this deviantART account for uh... apparently ten years now??? I mean I guess that makes sense- but still, it feels like it cannot possibly be that old ;;

I've been thinking of moving my stuff over to a new account- just to start fresh and clear the air? Not that it really needs clearing? More in the way a musty room might need a window open... if that makes sense. its 4 AM and my brain cannot words. Point is, fresh start.

The main thing is, I'm a nostalgic fool ,and I have a lot of good memories with this account- and a lot of old friends I don't want to lose track of. However, I also know that a lot of my old friends aren't as active on here anymore- I mean, I'm guilty of that too to be honest.

If I were to move to a new account, how many of y'all would follow me over? Just curious.

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darkaku's avatar

I would, not really understanding why you should open a new account instead of freshing up this one but if you feel like it go ahead ^^

Anyways at least for me Deviantart feels like it's already dead sadly, I'll stay around until there's nothing left but I feel like you can't grow here anymore