Okay, so I'm eighteen. Really into art (of many kinds.) I draw, do tons of photography- which I'm seriously considering a career in- and I also write stories and poetry when I get into the writing kinda mood.
I live for music, and listen to almost anything from instrumental to metal.
When it comes to drawing, for some reason, dragons are my specialty... I've loved dragons since I was little, and I've drawn them since about age five, so it's kinda stuck with me. Hey, I'm alright with that, though. Who DOESN'T think giant scaly fire-breathing lizards are awesome?
NOT me, that's who.
As for my style, I wear whatever the fuck is most comfortable. I'm also fat. But if you're really going to judge me on that, then "off" is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Constructive criticism for all my artwork and photography is much appreciated! Thank you guys.