xptz2's avatar


157 Deviations


After a looooong time without a fursona (the blue/red wolf doesn't exactly count), now I finally have one, a silly gamer artist ^w^ I'm gonna upload him soon here (already posted here https://www.patreon.com/posts/say-hello-to-my-fursona-123171758 ) You can chat with him on SpicyChat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/639cc168-090e-4b72-ab14-de88291c004a (waiting moderation approval). I'm also on Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/113391075
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I made a Pixiv page, where I'll be uploading every anime artwork I make: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/113391075/ I'm also accepting requests there: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/113391075/request My Discord server is done! Let's create a healthy community, discuss about games & talk about future projects and contests! ^^ https://discord.gg/B7QV7HJUvn My LEGEND-tier patrons will have access to a special channel, where we discuss art requests and future commissions. https://www.patreon.com/xptz Server Boosters will also get access to this channel!!
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I had a suggestion journal for my watchers to comment ideas for future artworks, but that list is now gone, so I'm putting up again. Characters from anime, games etc that deserves some "footy attention". Please note: this isn't a "request" journal, just a "box of suggestions". RULES: Do not spam ideas, focus your suggestion to 1 or 2 characters. No indie game characters or OCs, please. NQA. 🤐 When possible, put a link to an official Wiki - the more canon I can study the original character, the better. I love being as canon as possible, even if I need to watch the entire anime If I really like your idea, you'll notice it via a "Considering it" Quartz badge. Of course expect some spam for seasonal badges (rn it's snowball hehe ❄ ) Please don't spam multiple comments at once. Give a wait of at least 24 hours between them. Finally, in your comment, tell me which pizza do you like best. If you don't, I'm gonna delete it bro If you like the initiative, consider supporting me
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Hype: You got hyped up! (26)
Golden Fella: You’ve got the Midas touch!
Golden Fella
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Platinum Fragment
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Trick-or-Treated!: It’s not a trick, you got a treat!

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I'm back at DeviantArt - QA by xptz2, journal

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I know you don't take Requests but I'd love to see Kirby in your style

ZeusZuu's avatar

I really love your artwork, so I have watched you. I hope you can visit my profile and watch me back to see my creations.

LEGOManiac41's avatar

Happy birthday to you, Paw loving artist!

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