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((So I have a prince. I wanted a princess. Hehe so I made one! >w< ))
Name: Isabella GrandBell
Nickname(s): Bell, Bella, Izzy, PB, LingLing
Age: 20 years
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 109Lbs (about 200Lbs with Bell gowns)
Species: Bell person
Occupation: Princess of the Bell Kingdom
Favorite color(s): Red
Likes: Singing, Reading, Dance
Dislikes: Messiness, Hearing off-tones, Rude people
Relationship Status: Single
Love Interest:Books
Orientation: Pansexual
Additional Information:
Bella is the Princess of the Bell Kingdom, a close ally with the Office Empire. You can always hear this Bronze Beauty coming as all her bells can be heard from a mile away. She wears an jingly anklet on her right ankle that has a cute little sound. Yes those are holes in her cheeks. But they're not really holes. They're part of her mouth and if her mouth is closed she make a ringing whistle that can either sound very nice or very painful. With this being the case, she obviously defends herself with loud sounds. She's a very humble young woman and will always help anyone in need. But if you mess with her or any of her friends, she isn't afraid to tell you off and tell you like it is.
((That's all I got so far. Special thanks to for helping me develop her personality and such. I love you, bby. <3 And feel free to rp. She's open.))
Name: Isabella GrandBell
Nickname(s): Bell, Bella, Izzy, PB, LingLing
Age: 20 years
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 109Lbs (about 200Lbs with Bell gowns)
Species: Bell person
Occupation: Princess of the Bell Kingdom
Favorite color(s): Red
Likes: Singing, Reading, Dance
Dislikes: Messiness, Hearing off-tones, Rude people
Relationship Status: Single
Love Interest:
Orientation: Pansexual
Additional Information:
Bella is the Princess of the Bell Kingdom, a close ally with the Office Empire. You can always hear this Bronze Beauty coming as all her bells can be heard from a mile away. She wears an jingly anklet on her right ankle that has a cute little sound. Yes those are holes in her cheeks. But they're not really holes. They're part of her mouth and if her mouth is closed she make a ringing whistle that can either sound very nice or very painful. With this being the case, she obviously defends herself with loud sounds. She's a very humble young woman and will always help anyone in need. But if you mess with her or any of her friends, she isn't afraid to tell you off and tell you like it is.
((That's all I got so far. Special thanks to for helping me develop her personality and such. I love you, bby. <3 And feel free to rp. She's open.))
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1077x2291px 204.42 KB
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You said that RP's with her were highly welcome, yes?