Rarity Woodwork in Holly, Purpleheart, and Padaukxofox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xofox/art/Rarity-Woodwork-in-Holly-Purpleheart-and-Padauk-817378989xofox

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xofox's avatar

Rarity Woodwork in Holly, Purpleheart, and Padauk



The last official piece I needed to get finished for a holiday giveaway event that just started up.
This is actually the Mark III Hoodie Rarity, but, unfortunately, I was too short sighted to take good pictures of the BronyCon auction version in ebony before I sent it away. Oh well, them's the breaks. I went with minimal paint on this one, so no painted eyes, just the cutie mark. Her hoodie is done in a particularly dark plank of padauk that I had; I was aiming for a more red/burgundy color for Christmas. It's close enough I think. Her body is done in holly, and her hair and tail in purpleheart. I tell you what, I'll never get used to corkscrew hair.
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2080x6150px 13.58 MB
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