Haku's Drunken AssaultXLuluxLovelyX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xluluxlovelyx/art/Haku-s-Drunken-Assault-384732558XLuluxLovelyX

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Haku's Drunken Assault



Haku had a little too much to drink and suddenly has a taste for Neru's touch. With that being said, Haku took matters into her own hands literally. She forced Neru into a groping her! Dell is embarrassed by Haku's constant drunken affection especially in front of his friend Mikuo who seems more amused then bothered by the display. Neru is all in a panic even though she most likely likes it. =3=

Hope you like it. :>

Haku by Eto
Dell by Nukude
Neru by Nakao
Mikuo by :iconhikary1:

Take a moment to look throuugh my group's gallery if you will! ^w^ :iconxhetaloidx:

(Also...should this image have a filter on it? >w>)
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1920x1080px 1.52 MB
© 2013 - 2025 XLuluxLovelyX
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Hakumatic's avatar
Yeah, right, "Forced Neru to grope her"
Sounds exactly like what Neru said when people walked in and caught her doing it.