I've never really done any of this before but I'll try anyway; seems fun!
Got tagged by
The Rules:
1) You must post these rules...
2) Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal....
3) You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal....
4) Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them....
5) No tag backs.
So, here are the "10 things about me"
1) I like all things cute and pink!
2) I still play Maplestory
3) I also play counterstrike. *HeadShot*
4) I quit my day job because my charm making business made more money D:
5) I'm a homebody (I enjoy staying home)
6) Pack Rat-- enough said lol!
7) Tacky but I love swarovski crystals.
8) I online browse and window shop a lot
9) When I like a song, I hit the repeat loop button
10) Just lost my dad and he was my everything
so heres who I want to know more about! I'm just going to choose whoever faved, commented, or watched me recently <3