xlilbabydragonx's avatar


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Got tagged?

2 min read
I've never really done any of this before but I'll try anyway; seems fun!

Got tagged by :iconkagome-chuu:

The Rules:
1) You must post these rules...
2) Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal....
3) You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal....
4) Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them....
5) No tag backs.

So, here are the "10 things about me"

1) I like all things cute and pink!
2) I still play Maplestory
3) I also play counterstrike. *HeadShot*
4) I quit my day job because my charm making business made more money D:
5) I'm a homebody (I enjoy staying home)
6) Pack Rat-- enough said lol!
7) Tacky but I love swarovski crystals.
8) I online browse and window shop a lot
9) When I like a song, I hit the repeat loop button
10) Just lost my dad and he was my everything :(

so heres who I want to know more about! I'm just going to choose whoever faved, commented, or watched me recently <3
:iconhellohappycrafts: :icontillefa: :iconladymalk: :iconoborochann: :iconleitedestiny: :iconcoolr: :iconcateaclysmic: :iconkawaiistrawberryluv0: :iconcookienbleuberry: :iconladyxwinter:

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I haven't been on DA for the longest time. I just sold the last bits of my jewelry away during xmas and it feels great. My fathers been doing better since the last time I updated.

Recently, Ive been trying to design my own website. its Jen-Tran.Com

You can find some templates, wall paper, and craft templates to download and such. I know i haven't been active in jewelry making or anything crafty but I kind of died out. Honestly, it sucks to make stuff. I haven't gotten around to post anything up. I still have the Romantic Dangos that i haven't even posted. xD i Ran out of necklace wires.

Anyway. Just wanted to see how everyone was. I'm just here to gather some cute shop links to recommend on my website. Hope you all are doing well. Take care <3

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1 min read
I'm selling all my jewelry for under 10 dollars. Earrings, necklaces, lip balms. everything!

I'm getting rid of everything. It'll be a long time till i make something new but for now i want to sell out all my jewelry. <333

link >>>> yummiecharms.com

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Big updates?

1 min read
I've been away since many of my da friends are inactive... meh. So i've had like a couple hundred comments to be reading.. I'll try to reply to you all <333 and many of them were... "can you post your template here instead of your website?" I'm sorry, i totally forgot that many of my templates were hosted on my website... which i no longer have it hosted anymore! So hopefully I'll find many of my old temps and edit many of the posts...

label tutorials and patterns of course..

I have posted a few vday items for my shop... Http://yummiecharms.com

I'll be submitting Valentine Day things soon.. Limited Edition. <3 well then enjoy your day!

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So I've been inactive here at DA. Sorry about that. I am not sure if anyone noticed... but I'm fairly tired of making clay jewelry and such and have broaden my horizon with other art mediums. currently, I am in the sewing mood... i dunno why... xmas holidays gets me sewing things every year... i jump in and out of resin production but i never SOLD anything made of resin as of yet. my line of lipbalms is doing very very well. more than i could ever hope for... which i am very thankful fors.

what to come for 2010?
resin jewelry when i has enough money for materials... ie. chains and findings
maybe... custom DOG clothes. roughly 30-50 dollars ea.
more lip balm selections.


well have a wonderful winter holiday guys. <3 see ya back in 2010 ;p

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Got tagged? by xlilbabydragonx, journal

Wow. Things have changed! by xlilbabydragonx, journal

SALE by xlilbabydragonx, journal

Big updates? by xlilbabydragonx, journal

2009 Nearly over by xlilbabydragonx, journal