High Admiral TeradocXizerTheGrey on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xizerthegrey/art/High-Admiral-Teradoc-288233377XizerTheGrey

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High Admiral Teradoc



High Admiral Teradoc was one of the breakaway Warlords following the battle of Endor and the Empire fracturing due to Warlordism. He lost most of his territory after battling both Ackbar and Rogriss for the remnats of Zsinjs empire after that warlord's death. He eventually was forced into the Deep Core where he battled his nemesis, fellow Warlord Harrsk for years before being murdered by Admiral Daala when he refused to unify with the other Warlords to strike the New Republic instead of continuing the endless Imperial Civil War with his fellow Warlords.
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Neo-Byzantium's avatar

Teradoc was certainly fat, wasn't he? He seems to have three chins.... Anyhow, I remember how I disliked him  in Darksaber but looking back, I get why he was angry as he was trying to destroy Harrsk and then Daala and Pelleaon disrupt his plans with their own actions though I get why they were angry at Teradoc as he was behaving as badly as Harrsk.

I do acknowledge though that he was a skilled naval commander that made effective use of his large fleets of victory class star destroyers and how he was ballsy enough to try and make a grab for the remnants of Zsinj's Empire though he should've temporarily worked with the official Imperial Remnant to push back the New Republic to look good in the eyes of many in the Imperial Remnant and possibly gain enough influence in it to possibly take it over in the future.