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Simultaneously with Gorgosaurus I completed the next three points of the challenge:
Day 16 " A dinosaur restored 2 or 3 different plausible ways (eg. different levels of feathering, etc.)": Baryonyx walkeri. Baryonyx is known from a fairly complete skeleton and many fragments from England and other parts of Western Europe. It was named after the large claw from the first finger of the hand, which was used to hold prey. Like other spinosaurids, it has a characteristic elongated snout with conical teeth. Stomach contents indicate that Baryonyx ate fish, but could occasionally catch and kill small dinosaurs.
Integument of spinosaurids is unknown, although for more advanced carnosaurs (allosauroids) scale impressions are known. Perhaps the evolution of dinosaur skin covers was more complex than we think, so I decided to depict Baryonyx in two versions: fully scaly with a spiked crest along the back and tail, and partially covered with filaments. Both versions are plausible, in my opinion.
Day 17 "Restore a modern bird in the manner of inaccurate outdated paleoart, or like a Jurassic Park dinosaur": Ardea cinerea. Ardea cinerea is a long-legged bird with a very long neck found in the freshwater sediments in Europe. Judging from the preserved parts of the skull, it had a very long, lance-shaped beak. We believe that the Ardea killed its prey with a blow of its beak, piercing it through. In one specimen, the mammal Arvicola amphibius was found in the stomach contents, apparently swallowed whole. The remains of ulna show strange bumps. We don't know what they are for, but some birds with this feature preserved impressions of some rods growing from there. We assume that these rods were a demonstration device that was larger in males (the drawing thus shows the female). The small skin impression of wrinkled structure was detected in one individual.
Day 18 "A dino in a possible niche it could belong": Struthiomimus altus, occupying a niche of the ratites. Ornithomimids are a group of theropods very similar to modern flightless birds. They are characterized by long legs and presumably high running speed. Judging by the small heads with toothless edges of the jaws, they were catching small animals or were omnivores. Struthiomimus is a typical ornithomimid. Here it is shown catching a lizard. The plumage was reconstructed in part based on impressions from Dinosaur Park ornithomimid assigned to Ornithomimus edmontonicus.
... to be continued.
Blue ballpoint pen, 2020.
Image size
3487x2476px 1.04 MB
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