Jean and Logan - X-Men Makeup TestxHee-Heex on DeviantArt

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Jean and Logan - X-Men Makeup Test



"'ey, bub."

:iconhopie-chan: as Jean Grey
:iconxhee-heex: as Wolverine

So THIS was fun, and probably the most rushed of our October Closet Cosplays (We had to hurry- Walking Dead was commin' on!!!). It started with Hopie brushing out this SUPER FUNKLY WIG and making a joke that she could be Jean Grey. Clearly, this was the results. 

My hair is definitely too long for the style, but I just teased and teased and curled until it behaved a little bit!! This was also my first time using crepe wool, and even though I only gave myself about 10 minutes to apply it (which explains my YAY, crudely drawn-on hairline), I was really happy with how it turned out and it was so fun!! I'll definitely play around with it more in the future.

It was fun to pet my face.

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Rojozorra's avatar
Perfect eyebrows!