Fire Emblem Heroes: Arc MaidensXero-J on DeviantArt

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Fire Emblem Heroes: Arc Maidens



Subscription shenanigans aside, I do owe Fire Emblem Heroes a great deal for giving me content to work with from across the series; as well as giving my phone a major workout practically every day since it launched.

In fact, one thing I still get a kick out of with Heroes is that whenever a new banner shows up for any series, not just from Awakening onward, without fail, there's always a massive influx of fanart from myself or others.

It's kept people busy in more ways than one, you might say...


Fire Emblem Heroes: Arc Maidens :Sketch: by Xero-J  Fire Emblem Heroes: Arc Maidens :Lineart: by Xero-J 
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2445x2313px 3.04 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Xero-J
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DeraldSny's avatar

Very cute renditions of the FEH OCs! 🥰