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Deviation Spotlight

  • Feb 20
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (15)
My Bio

Current Residence: OR, USA
Favourite genre of music: Rock and Metal
Favourite style of art: All kinds
Operating System: MacBook Pro
Wallpaper of choice: Landscape.
Favourite cartoon character: Guts (Berserk), Kurono & Kato (Gantz)
Personal Quote: Life is what You make of It

Favourite Movies
Kill Bill, Hot Fuzz, Ruthless People, Dragon Heart
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
In Flames & Korn
Favourite Games
Jak 2 & 3, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Oblivion, Fable
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, tablet, PS 7.0
Other Interests
Gaming, role plays, art, animals&monsters, martial arts... fighting.... lizards...etc
Well, looking back on my last journal, it looks like Ive failed most of those new year's resolutions... XD;; But as they say... every day is a new day, so no use in getting caught up over spilt milk.... or however that saying goes... XD;;But yeah, I am indeed alive for those of you who weren't sure 8D;;  My life has been a roollercoaster for the past few months though, I can assure ytou of that... and :devacsmith12: can also vouch for me, since she knoooows... although she also has her own challeges to deal with... so go give her love and support if you haven't already >_____> Aaaaand, for those who didn't know... AC's motherboard crashed,...
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A New Year

0 min read
Well, I figured it was about time I updated this thing... it's been months, and I'm tired of knowing pill-induced writing is plastered on the front of my page XD;;;Well... first of all, even though it's late... a very lovely Happy New Year's to everyone!  XDD I honestly mean that.. people need to have more awesomeness in their lives... and a Merry Christmas and Halloween since I missed out on those, too... or any other holiday you might celebrate XD;;;In any case... My biggest New Year's resolution is to not be sick... we'll see how that turns out... on a smaller note, I want to try and do more Art this year... I'm gonna see if I can't man...
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Life Update

0 min read
LOL 'bout time I did a new one of these, wouldn't you say? XXDD *gets bored when I have to look at the same journal from a month ago* But yes, for those people who are concerned about the Cold Order and when progress will be done and when we will be accepting new members....  Well, hopefully sooner rather than later. ^___^  We haven't abandoned the club, don't even worry about that.Me and AC have both just been very busy, so serious info about TCO should start appearing next month if we're lucky.We also want to give our friends from org-infinity a chance to figure out if they'd like to join later on, but right now.... Org-infinty is also v...
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Profile Comments 200

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ToastyToastie's avatar
Happy Birthday Zeke.
shakusaurus's avatar
Happy birthday to yooou
Happy birthday to yooooou
Happy birthday dear Zeeeke(y? >> One syllable names = hard.)
Happy birthday to yooou.
ToastyToastie's avatar
Happy Birthday, Zeke. :heart:
I miss you.
shakusaurus's avatar
Ilusfm XD ♥
Just fyi.
Kivs-Chan's avatar
Zeke Zeke Zeke Zeke Zeke Zeke.

-just wanted to bother you-
ACZamudio's avatar
Another good reason you should check out =Zeurel --> [link]
toboeslovingwolf's avatar
;; koseiiii~ come baaack~