Xaolin26's avatar


754 Watchers753 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight


Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Feb 17
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (191)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
My Bio


Welcome to my page. Thank you for taking the time to read this. And if you’re a new watcher, welcome aboard! La la la la

I’m an aspiring artist who’s trying to make a name for herself in the world of art. I specialize in creating illustration, comics, concept sketches, sculptures, costuming, and much more. I’m nowhere near perfect, but I’m still improving my skills as an artist.

I’m also Christian and proud of it! Don’t let that discourage you though, I’m a friend to everyone and I don’t judge others for what they believe in. Hug

If you ever need a friend or someone to talk to I’m here for ya!

Feel free to look through my gallery and give me pointers on how to improve my skills. Meow :3

IMPORTANT> If you intend to use my artwork for personal projects, websites, etc., then please contact me about which picture you want to use, what you want to use it for, and so I can approve of it or not. It's best to contact me via. note here on DA or through my email: xaolin26@comcast.net

I'm learning how to prioritize which projects I can work on. Life is very busy for me, and I've realized my limitations as an artist and how I can better spend my time working on projects. So at least projects I start (or collab on) can get done in a decent time.

Because of how busy I can get I don't frequent my DA page as much as I'd like to. However, I still try to stay connected to everyone here, and even if I don’t respond to comments right away I always read them. :) (Smile)
Updates may be slow, but I’m always working on artwork to upload into my gallery. :D (Big Grin)

my Youtube channel (which doesn't have much on it) > www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2c0...

I do have a livestream chanel, but I barely use it . . . > www.livestream.com/xaolin26?t=...

A collection of la icons for your (and my) amusement:
La la la la :iconlaplz: :iconlawooplz: :iconlascrollplz: :iconlahopplz: :iconepiclaplz: :iconsoniclaplz: :iconshadowlaplz: :iconsilverlaplz: :iconknuckleslaplz: :iconexplodelaplz: :iconhiddenlaplz: :iconlaexplodeplz: :iconexcitedlaplz: :iconsparklylaplz: :iconomilaplz: :iconaanglaplz: :icondancinglaplz: :iconsparklyla-plz: :iconla-plz: :icon3dlaplz: :iconlaloadingplz1: :iconlarollplz: :iconunlaplz: :iconmariolaplz: :iconluigilaplz:


Favourite Visual Artist
God, every artist I meet
Favourite Movies
Anything with a good storyline and EPIC music
Favourite TV Shows
Danny Phantom, every single series of Star Trek, Restaurant Impossible, Face Off
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Daft Punk, Skillet, Switchfoot, Epic Score, soundtracks from various movies
Favourite Books
The Bible, comic books, just . . . stuff that I have time to read ^^'
Favourite Writers
I . . . I can't decide
Favourite Games
Super Smash Bros, the Half-Life series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
pencils and lovely erasers
Other Interests
Cook deliciousness, teach karate, play the clarinet, hike in Yosemite, meet people
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THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ASKED! SO! I hope you all have been safe and healthy, with all the crazy stuff going on in the world right now. It has indeed been a while since I’ve updated or posted anything. It’s been partially because of lost motivation, and other things that have been happening. I’m gonna summarize as best I can, since I have a habit of explaining things too much. <_< First thing! It’s been very tough trying to get a job in my chosen field, especially with how much the world has been effected right now. All the internships I’ve applied for has either been canceled or postponed indefinitely, and I haven’t been able to get a job anywhere yet. ;-; I’m not giving up hope though, I’m still applying for whatever job I can get (while working safely) and I’ve been doing commissions at the same time. Second thing! I’m gonna update my commissions list real quick so things are more organized (and I’m gonna get rid of the forms since they’re confusing and
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Merry Christmas y’all!! I hope you all are having a cheerful and restful holiday!
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Profile Comments 1.5K

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souletyler's avatar

I'm creating a cartoon. It's called, Forgotten Tales! It's about these forgotten and obscure characters that no one remembers from media going on wacky and crazy adventures.

Nin10dohgirl's avatar

Hey. Quick question: Have you seen my fan fiction on the Chaotix?(Just wondering)

I worked really hard on it, and I tried to keep the cast as closely in character as possible <=3

observmon200X's avatar

Hope you've been ok. Happy late bday, though

Light-He-arth's avatar
connorm1's avatar
Happy birthday 
DragonKhaleesiLiz23's avatar
Joeycool1210's avatar