Blinded by blood, a TF2 comic by XannianThirian, journal
Blinded by blood, a TF2 comic
It all begun in the year 2015, when the gaps between the official TF2 comic issues started to get bigger and bigger. I always loved drawing, it is an essential part of my being, and so I started to draw my first bigger friend liked it and read every new page I made, which became our semi-daily ritual (honestly I have no idea how I was able to draw a page or two in a single day, can’t do that anymore lmao, my art became a little more complex I suppose...).
The story expanded, new characters came and went and now, the first original draft of Blinded by blood is around 600 PAGES. Which is... a lot, yes, but to be honest, it’s not perfect, of course. I learned a lot since 2015, about drawing, about writing stories and so I decided to remake Blinded by blood, cut the things it doesn’t need and hopefuly make it a more coherent adventure. I intend to put it on multiple social media sites for free. For me it’s more like a "thank you" to the TF2 community than anything, even if the