Deviation Actions
Show Name: OMF Emperor's Justice
Meaning: Derived from his sire
Stable Name: Justice
Breed: KWPN x Canadian Warmblood
Gender: Stallion
Age: Adult (See My Horse Age Journal for info)
Height: 178cm
Color: Minimal tobiano bay (on black)
Eyes: Blue
Genotype: Ee AA nTo
Markings: Blaze, four socks
Stable: Old Mill Farm
Discipline: Eventing
Rider: Fliss Fairfax
Personality: Aggressive; Don't come near me or you'll end up with teeth marks on your bum!
Favorite Treat: Apple
Quirk: Paces around and paws when tied
Obtained From: Bred by me
Sire: WTE's The Dark Emperor (deleted)
Breeding Info:
Payment: Breeding Picture or 10
Restrictions: none
Breeding Slots: (unlimited)
-Reserved for S1ar142
L0ngfire | Foal: GR Midnight Justice | Dam: CM Midnight Orchid
Competitions Entered:
WBS Weekly Show | Dressage | 1st | Entry
SHS RNG Circuit | Cross Country | TBD | Entry
ShV On-Going RNG Mini Show | Show Jumping | TBD | Entry
Other Art:
Refs used: various for anatomy
Bg made with: photo by me