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Dragons to Nature
63 Watchers183 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Aug 25, 1983
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (166)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

I've always loved to draw and take pictures. I started drawing horses and random nature scenes. Then I started reading fantasy fiction, which introduced me to the great world of fantasy art and of course, dragons! I used to redraw others drawings that I liked till my mom told me that they were great, now create your own stuff! So I strive to get creative, but sometimes my head is at war with my hand and nothing turns out right. I wish I was still in high school sitting in those boring classes, that's when I got to draw the most! Wink/Razz
With two darling little girls, it's hard to pick up the camera or pencil and just draw without being interrupted.

My Family:
Mr and Mrs Rader by wulfdragyn Me and hubby Ryan
Fun Sides by wulfdragyn Just like the old days by wulfdragyn 1-2-3 Come Get Me! by wulfdragyn Tara
Cape San Blas Sunset by wulfdragyn Now or Never by wulfdragyn Kentucky Hay by wulfdragyn Zoey
Simple Fun by wulfdragyn Sisters by wulfdragyn
And our ever annoying sidekicks Lucy and Shelby:
Lucy by wulfdragyn Shelby by wulfdragyn

Current Residence: The South is never gonna rise again: Georgia, USA
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Alternative, Black Metal, Heavy Metal
Favourite style of art: Watercolor & Landscapes
Favourite cartoon character: Stan Marsh
Personal Quote: Live life to the fullest!

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
LOTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Eragon, Dragon Heart, Seabiscuit, Disney movies ( =D )
Favourite TV Shows
IRT, South Park, Family Guy, Cleveland Show; Discovery Channel, Nat Geo Channel, etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Digital Summer, Mudvayne, Drowning Pool, Breaking Benjamin, Slipknot, FFDP
Favourite Books
Twilight Series, Harry Potter, Dragon Riders of Pern
Favourite Writers
Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Terry Brooks, Stephen King, Dean Koontz
Favourite Games
Scrabble (the actual board game!), Free Cell, Majong (I keep it simple)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Dining Room Table
Tools of the Trade
Paper, pencil, Watercolor pencils, Micron and a camera!
Other Interests
My family, nature, traveling, Photography, drawing
Good gosh....I HAVE to get back on here and get motivated to DRAW!
anonymous's avatar
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How has everyone been? (Sorry I've been MIA; I've just been enjoying life, working and waiting impaitently for SPRING!)

4 votes

Good! Heart

Bad :( (Sad)

:D (Big Grin)

anonymous's avatar
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Feature 15!

0 min read
Happy New Year! Yes, Im over a month late with that...but better late than never ;) Here's a small feature to welcome my new watchers and to start off the new year.To my best supporter: :iconmarksphotoart: :thumb352384454::thumb337438413::thumb331558805:Newest watchers: :icongewalgon:  :thumb348276687::thumb336411442::thumb310630297::icondarkwolffe200: :thumb344976436::thumb351212947::thumb351031910:Random: :thumb102716898::thumb263226783::thumb352827182: :thumb352619973::thumb352629874::thumb352595418:Thank you all for your support! :heart:
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Profile Comments 1.5K

anonymous's avatar
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sesam-is-open's avatar
I hope you are well and have a beautiful day.:heart:
Happy Birthday - PNG by lifeblue
Zonoya717's avatar
Happy Birthday! :party:
Betuwefotograaf's avatar
wulfdragyn's avatar
Thank you :) (Sorry I'm late in responding!)
DiamonEyes's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :iconcakeplz::iconcakedanceplz::icontrolldanceplz: