Writers-Mug's avatar


Years Ago
246 Members176 Watchers

I was you by atondex, literature

An Excerpt by adaminator1, literature

tick tock tick tock by Space-0ut, literature

I'm Hosting a Contest with $40 in prizes! by KomradApex, journal

Go fund me by TheWayLifeShouldBe, journal

Hard Of Hearing Genie by nobodyofdistinction, literature

Dark Prince Loki vs. Reader Chapter 30 by chrislokistark, literature

Comments 64

anonymous's avatar
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checkyeschloe's avatar
Just a quick question.. is the holiday writing contest still going on? If so i would be interested in writing something for it. Please let me know :) looking forward to sharing my work with you all :D
Nachtetraum's avatar
I really want to do it since there doesn't seem to be much interaction in the group. I figured it would be something fun if anyone were interested. Please feel free to do that~!
P3stil3nc34's avatar
Would anyone like to join the Phoenix Brotherhood? If any of you are interested and want to know more you can check out our FAQ. If you have any questions, be sure to ask us. 
YurixTheWanderer's avatar

Good day. I wish to extend this invitation to all those who watched me through all these years. As a thanks for all your DevWatches, views, commissions, trades and requests, I wish to invite you my newly-made group site, based on the ongoing universe that I created through pictures and stories. This invite is to join, participate in, or simply view my group site dedicated to my ongoing fantasy novels, ‘Upon a Star’. If you are interested, check it out here at medierth.deviantart.com

darkorse's avatar
Ahoy guys, I'm a new writer here and I was wondering if I could have some feedback on my writing! I would really appreciate it, I'm looking for anything that will help me grow and become a better author!
EnlightenU's avatar
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm merging this account into another (Dr-Pen) and will eventually delete this one. Because of this, I may have to resubmit my writings to most of the literature groups here if it is allowed.
saraisordinary's avatar
Looking to write a short story based on a married couple. Maybe it will read kind of like a diary. Scott is a tall, lanky business man, never able to put on any muscle and is married to Sara, a short, dark haired lady. She's a housewife, mother and a nationally ranked competitive bodybuilder.