WoR-CLASSY-guild's avatar


Years Ago
7 Members8 Watchers

Comments 19

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MAX1M1L1AN's avatar
Peaches99 is Persica-XCIX, People!

And if you need a rank up by the way just consult Peaches99 or me!
MAX1M1L1AN's avatar
Welcome all, feel free to meet discuss here in the comments! I'll try my best to be a really good founder!
FossilizedTeeths's avatar
Hiya! I was wondering do you have a list of guild members somewhere? I'd like to draw a few vayrons for y'all :-D
MAX1M1L1AN's avatar
Yah! We do, its on our registry page and you're there too! :D:


so we got 10 members which is pretty cool, right?!!

Omg that would be so nice!!
the registry page also features a few of some of the members' vayrons but we have a bigger list in our discord chat "group-vayron" however it may lack some of the vays listed in the registry as most of the vays were listed near the beginning of the guild.

If you want my vay of preference from my arsenal it would definitely be Lyon 5149
I also recently decided to buy a touch up formula and an item to edit his import by adding more fur and making him a special face! Here's a palette for him as well: Lyonpalette

Take the last pointing as a light hearted ramble, I'm eager to shove my best man everywhere, he's my first one ever haha :D - feel totally fine featuring whoever's vays (i think they don't mind, at least I gift them out of thin air once in a while and they're cool with it lol :) )
MAX1M1L1AN's avatar
Peaches99 I forgot I can't change anyone to Founders. :| inadvertent me
Peaches99's avatar
XD It's kay. If I were made to members do you think it'll solve the problem of not being able to submit art?
MAX1M1L1AN's avatar
let's see about that... members can request submitting art and thats something