Adventure DigivicesWooded-Wolf on DeviantArt

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Adventure Digivices



Edit: Fixed a couple of mistakes

Recolours of the Pixel Digivice I made: [link]

I made versions for the 02 characters, based on their D3 colour and Digimon. Ken's Digivice should probably have pink as its main colour, to match his crest, but I feel like green/black make more sense...

The Digivices in the Digivolution sequences have a green centre ring, but they're depicted in the episodes as being the same colour as the rest of the device.

From Left to Right, Up to Down

:bulletorange::bulletblue:Tai:bulletblue::bulletorange: :bulletpurple::bulletred:Izzy:bulletred::bulletpurple: :bulletblack::bulletpink:Ken:bulletpink::bulletblack:

:bulletblue::bulletwhite:Matt:bulletwhite::bulletblue: :bulletwhite::bulletblack:Joe:bulletblack::bulletwhite: :bulletblue::bulletblack:Davis:bulletblack::bulletblue:

:bulletred::bulletorange:Sora::bulletorange::bulletred: :bulletgreen::bulletred:Mimi:bulletblue::bulletgreen: :bulletred::bulletwhite:Yolei:bulletwhite::bulletred:

:bulletyellow::bulletgreen:TK::bulletgreen::bulletyellow: :bulletpink::bulletwhite:Kari:bulletwhite::bulletpink: :bulletyellow::bulletpurple:Cody:bulletpurple::bulletyellow:

Digimon (c) Bandai
Image size
493x541px 45.32 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Wooded-Wolf
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Ame-Mizu's avatar
Soo perfect! Amazing!