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Edit: Fixed a couple of mistakes
Recolours of the Pixel Digivice I made: [link]
I made versions for the 02 characters, based on their D3 colour and Digimon. Ken's Digivice should probably have pink as its main colour, to match his crest, but I feel like green/black make more sense...
The Digivices in the Digivolution sequences have a green centre ring, but they're depicted in the episodes as being the same colour as the rest of the device.
From Left to Right, Up to Down
Tai Izzy Ken
Matt Joe Davis
Sora: Mimi Yolei
TK: Kari Cody
Digimon (c) Bandai
Recolours of the Pixel Digivice I made: [link]
I made versions for the 02 characters, based on their D3 colour and Digimon. Ken's Digivice should probably have pink as its main colour, to match his crest, but I feel like green/black make more sense...
The Digivices in the Digivolution sequences have a green centre ring, but they're depicted in the episodes as being the same colour as the rest of the device.
From Left to Right, Up to Down
Tai Izzy Ken
Matt Joe Davis
Sora: Mimi Yolei
TK: Kari Cody
Digimon (c) Bandai
Image size
493x541px 45.32 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Wooded-Wolf
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Soo perfect! Amazing!