wondergirlmerlina's avatar


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988 Deviations

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Official Tier
Growing out of the House (commission)

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Giantess Appreciation Day.  (Commission.)

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It wasn't just a dream?  (Commission.)

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Juicy Support
Pursuing A Blueberry (Commission)


Deviation Spotlight

Updated Commision info. by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Timeline by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Spiked Punch preview (Blueberry) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Don't Laugh Two preview (Clown Girl TF) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Sudsy Shrinking Mishap (Shrinking) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Your Juiced preview (Blueberry) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Xmas Thievery p1 (BE/AE/Inflatable TF) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Give Thanks for a Giant Wife p2 (Giantess) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Monthly poll link by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Sudsy Shrinking Mishap preview (Shrinking) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

Juicy Hot Spring (Blueberry) by wondergirlmerlina, literature

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Artist // Professional // Literature
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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (93)
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Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

My name is Alice Smith.  I am author of multiple fetish worlds.  Come sit down and have a trip down the rabbit hole of madness.  It will be a fun trip of giantess, blueberry, shrinking, and much more types of insanity.

I do have a Patreon and if you want to help me do what I love for a living please check it out.  3-D animation will be coming soon.  Cheers and welcome to my personal wonderland of lovely fun.  Stay a while and listen.  And maybe even have a piece of pie.  Who knows what fun it could bring.

WondergirlMerlina | creating short stories and novels | Patreon

Favourite Movies
Alice in Wonderland
Favourite Books
Alice in Wonderland, Shannara series.
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts/ Nier: Automata/Sly Cooper/ Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team/Explores/Final Fantasy XIV
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Tools of the Trade
Sorry things have been slower. Between the weather (which is why there has been no blueberry suit since like mid-December.) and some major issues with our mental health it's been a bit slower start to the year. We were planning on getting a few things done this week but just never happened. I hope to get the voting on DA's subscription finally set up tomorrow but. . . ugh the number of days in the last few weeks taken up by dissociation or depression lately has been a bit much. When I do get a good day I have spent it filling it with as much writing as I can to make up for the "I am just getting by" days.I hate to push these things off but it's coming. Wintertime is never a good time for us, coupled with some more stressful irl stuff like getting ready to move in a few months. (I think we said it here but that will solve the blueberry suit only outside issue in the future. Moving in with the woman of my dreams.)But yeah, I promise there will be something to enjoy even if it
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I figured out a work around for the supporter sub tier poll issue. I will be handling that though my discord on a private invite only section. That way the benefit can stay, and I can work around the issue of "no sub only" polls despite that being a Patreon benefit.I don't want there to be Patreon only benefits. I want the benefits to be the same on both platforms. (I understand that Patreon still says I will rp with you over there, but I need to update it. I thought I did but rp is no longer a benefit. What can I say sometimes I can be a tad lazy.)
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After researching things, it seems you can no longer do sub only polls so sadly that will be a Patreon only benefit. For the time being I cannot get that to work here on DA with the new subscription system.
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Profile Comments 70

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wondergirlmerlina's avatar

Thank you. Will that cake make me grow lol?

maybe it will, maybe it won't. also if it does gentle gts use pls

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