Mega Man Meme (OLLLDD!!!)wolfshadow6 on DeviantArt

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wolfshadow6's avatar

Mega Man Meme (OLLLDD!!!)



Ok, so first of all, I'm gonna apologize now for the squiggly, crappy art. This was originally filled out on my old laptop (that had a HD fry and also, my tablet wouldn't work on it) so I LITERALLY drew everything with a track pad. Cut me some slack.

Anyway, it also never made it to the net once it was filled in, and some things have changed. So, I updated it a bit (for example, in the 'What Game are you actually playing', my original answer was Furcadia and Guitar Hero 3. Yeah, I don't play that anymore. I still play Furc, but not GH3. So I updated it with AC3, which I will be starting tomorrow. :3)

Second... @_@;;;; Just.. don't kill me for being a fangirl too much, ok? @_@;;;;;;;;;
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720x4700px 1.9 MB
© 2012 - 2025 wolfshadow6
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CharacterTamerSteph's avatar
Who is the character you hate on #2?