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94 Watchers

Hey everyone forgot to make a short journal those who have been on my page for years you have noticed I changed signatures on my art. Used to say like wolf8000 and such but over time I really couldn’t think of anything unique hence you see the slight cursive signature on the corners today or jot at all cause I use this sites watermark and copywrite protections.

But yea if ya see old art works and noticed that note is is still me just back then I was still dabbling what signature I wanted to do for like ya know my works anyhow that is all.

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Art coming

1 min read

Yes as you saw some of my works have returned I want to warn those however of the whole new licensing system that was placed it’s a copywrite one if this art was ever like alternated well it’s not good law wise.

That doesn’t mean however ya don’t draw fan art on it the only thing I ask is always that you MUST put like credit on the character your using and then ya gotta send me the link to the art so I can take a look see.

Does this mean I’m back? Not sure if I’m honest I have some more works stacked up I just have to get around to like scanning and posting. Not the comic pages yet but I figured I’d share some of my works that have been done so far.

Hope you all like and I hope I can keep the pace going.

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I posted a bit of art finally not everything but yea hope you like what you see so far.

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3 min read

Hey there everyone I just want you all know something lets just say due to the political aspects of whats to come in the future for most those concerned with US I am not entirely sure what to expect for my career in the future as well as the future of the country.

What does that mean for me and content. Well if things change in a dramatic turn that would mean I have to take certain precautions for my family. Which could mean finishing up my career early and going to another country for asylum.

I want you all to know that I will still try to put content up as I can but if over the course of the next 4 yrs it can be struggling well i guess I’ll let ya all know that.

Yall know Im part of a LGBTQ+ community and it shows in my works. I dont live differently from anyone just because of whom I love, I’ll never understand how that even though our community is not perfect like how everyone elses are that its a large threat. I get up in the morning and I eat breakfast, I see my love cooking me breakfast and wishing me luck about my day, I go get dressed go to work, I give my best efforts to everyone, come home, have dinner, talk about my day, do chores and go to sleep.

I just feel torn in my line of work due to the whole political shift, I even respect others on what they chose because it doesnt matter on what they truly think what I think is that Im married to someone who cares about me, we care about each other and we go through life like everyone else. I cant really just walk out the door on my career right now I can only hope.

If you all are stateside and know about this shift, its just beginning we are the first targets so go out there and vote talk to your politicians. I hate having to be so political but the concerns are reaching a high point and I dont want to leave my home where my friends and family live..I want to continue my work to help other people in my line of work.i just want to live like everyone else.

I just can only hope ya know..so for those out there that are concerned like I am your not alone and I hope somehow we can stick together and somehow survive together. For those who think it wont effect them later it will sooner or later why because we thought the same thing yet here we are.

Be safe out there everyone and I really hope things will be alright.

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3 min read

Alright folks first off I’m being honest the past few months let’s just say I. Swapped jobs again with higher physical and time demands. On top of it attempting to study again for a higher position at work which the percentages of that happening for most folks round here has been getting worse and worse. Trying my best to study on top of it been on 12 hr shifts past three weeks that has left me with beginning stages of tendonitis which I’ve had before but yea my wrist and forearms are being effected to it delays my artwork. Just when I started to get back to the drawing.

Let’s say I’m under quite a bit of stress and I wish I didn’t have to worry bout the testing for higher positions but it’s the only way to retain my position so trying to give it everything I have in hopes to snag that spot this time. Maybe then I can focus more on continuing my school studies and drawing.

Not sure but yea reason even longer time to draw is due to work related injuries sorta. As I’m getting older I find it hard sometimes to keep drawing, relax I’m not quitting I guess a part of me feels even though I have few followers I do appreciate those who continue to view my works and then some regardless of my long time to get it done.

Hey until I know for sure I can’t draw no more I’ll still continue I mean hey even Miyazaki still doing his works even though he keeps trying to retire haha so if he can keep goin so can I.

The new year and well I do have some artworks here and there but ya know me I want to build up a good amount of works before I submit them. Thank you for being patient.

Note: for the random notes I get being asked about using my works for murals first off y’all are suspicious to me especially when ya accounts disappear when I check you profile, and it seems to be a common subject. If you truly like my work I’d see more comments not requests as well as they shoulda looked at my conditions in the profile. So if whomever is sending a million of these requests to me continues note my answer will always be no even if it was real I don’t trust internet messaging so much so I’m sorry if your a genuine person but if ya haven’t figured it out by now I have respect for myself and artwork I have had nicer individuals at least ask me on fan works that respect my conditions and space better than these random notes from suspicious individuals.

Anyhow thank for those who do use any of my characters to test there skills and such and asking me as well as crediting me. If anyone who wants to use my work to create fan works before posting please JUST LET ME KNOW AND MUST CREDIT ME doesnt matter in little info box of ya works or noted on your artwork and one more thing SEND ME THE LINK I want to see the works too. Anyhow that is all for now I hope everyone else is doing well at this time and I hope to have works up as soon as I am able from the injury.

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Free drawing by WOLF8000, journal

Good news by WOLF8000, journal

Struggles of Art now a days advice? by WOLF8000, journal

Whats going on? by WOLF8000, journal

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