WOLF8000's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
How to Draw a Wolf: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
Arc is Long: You participated in LGBTQ+ Pride Month!
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (156)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (156)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio

Names Cerberus, and there are other nicknames but if you know me personally please don't  use my real name. Note a lot of my artwork is based on feelings, emotion, and or an idea for MONSTERS in my comics they are NOT meant to represent anything negative, don't jump to conclusions. I don't really hate and I am rather sweet it is just to make my comic's more interesting be open-hearted and open-minded for these things are not real at they are make-believe and don't represent anything terrible. I am also a lesbian and I also draw things related to that I am a fan-fiction comic artist as well but I am more known for my fan-fiction comic Shadow the Werewolf Series but I have other comics so true followers of my page don't just read one comic read my other stuff and leave comments it inspires me more don't just send me notes. Anyhow, I have a youtube channel as well lookup LoneWolfForeverMore for blogs and videos as well as Facebook look up WOLF8000 but here on DeviantArt, you'll get the most updated news.

My email: warwolf177@gmail.com

My Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCz0Bq…

My Facebook:www.facebook.com/Wolf8000/

Various Adventures(me and my wife's channel please support if you like the supernatural):



1) I will not accept any kind of odd romantic or sexual messages I am spoken for(married and I love ONE person I am one to be in a monogamist relationship) and it is just weird.

2) Any hate on ANY of my artwork without taking the time to ask me I WILL BLOCK YOU no warnings of any kind and you won't know it.

3)Art trades are no longer taken you can ask I wont be upset but understand I am having trouble doing my own works so I may refuse and hope you can understand that I have other priorities.

4) Art requests I no longer accept I mean you can and it wont offend me. However, due to my personal life changing and adjusting for the time being I will not accept art requests.

5) Copy my work I will report and I will know. If you plan to do fan work of ANY of my works please credit me and let me know I would LOVE to see.

6) BE PATIENT my works do take time nowadays more than ever so if your true fans please please please please be patient.

7) DONT ABUSE MY EMAIL I created it specifically for artists that want to collab or something related to my hobbies that they can reach me. These same rules here apply to the email usage I will block you if I feel uncomfortable or ask for any personal info. I have the right to not respond or refuse for whatever the reason may be. EMAIL USE ONLY for large projects or this has to do with certain events and I will refer you to the email.

Favourite Movies
Ginger Snaps 1-3, dog soilders, Dark wolf, Balto, Underworld 1-3,..WAIT!..movie or movies?
Favourite TV Shows
Living with the wolfman, Monster quest
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Avenged sevenfold, Shinedown, metallica, System of a down, Shinedown, Bring Back The Horizon
Favourite Books
White fang
Favourite Writers
I got none at this time
Favourite Games
God of war, Punisher, Dead to Rights 1-2, The Suffering 1-2, Resident Evil...WAIT!...Game or Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS3(alot), PS2, gamecube, Xbox360
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Drawing, Kung fu, Wrestling(ALOT), playing videogames,manga,rough sports,traveling and exploring
Hey everyone forgot to make a short journal those who have been on my page for years you have noticed I changed signatures on my art. Used to say like wolf8000 and such but over time I really couldn’t think of anything unique hence you see the slight cursive signature on the corners today or jot at all cause I use this sites watermark and copywrite protections. But yea if ya see old art works and noticed that note is is still me just back then I was still dabbling what signature I wanted to do for like ya know my works anyhow that is all.
anonymous's avatar
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Art coming

0 min read
Yes as you saw some of my works have returned I want to warn those however of the whole new licensing system that was placed it’s a copywrite one if this art was ever like alternated well it’s not good law wise. That doesn’t mean however ya don’t draw fan art on it the only thing I ask is always that you MUST put like credit on the character your using and then ya gotta send me the link to the art so I can take a look see. Does this mean I’m back? Not sure if I’m honest I have some more works stacked up I just have to get around to like scanning and posting. Not the comic pages yet but I figured I’d share some of my works that have been done so far. Hope you all like and I hope I can keep the pace going.
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I posted a bit of art finally not everything but yea hope you like what you see so far.
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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CreepShow1980's avatar

Hey Akuma-chan,

Out of the two Evil Within games, what were the top three most terrifying and harder to kill enemies in the franchise?

CreepShow1980's avatar

Hey Akuma-chan,

  Are open monster commissions are still available? I'm curious if you've stop commissions entirely or just in a short time.


WOLF8000's avatar

Sadly I’ve had to stop completely or at least until further notice as I enjoy my hobby aspect of this the extra time to take for commissions i end up taking way too long to accomplish and on top of that my time is focused on comic’s.

CreepShow1980's avatar

Hey Akuma-chan,

  Have you seen Ghostbusters (1984)? If you have, did you drew or wanted draw one of the terror dogs from that film?


WOLF8000's avatar

I’ve seen it and well not at first I always dipped into animated films and shows mostly sometimes videogames

CreepShow1980's avatar

Oh... did you seen one of the shows (like The Real Ghostbusters) or played one the franchise's games? It's okay if you have not witness them, I was just being curious.

WOLF8000's avatar

No I don’t believe so I enjoy the ghostbuster Films never really went through deep extent of it.