woahdangman's avatar


YES, requests are open
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Artist // Hobbyist
  • Deviant for 4 years
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heya, i'm generally a nsfw artist but i like drawing all kinds of stuff
let's be cool to each other :P

if you wanna request something saucy, request it here or if you want something fun, try here - here are my rules - DON'T REQUEST THROUGH NOTES/CHAT and DON'T POST YOUR REQUEST ON MY PROFILE. it's a giant pain in the ass keeping track of both those things. if you still do, i'll just ignore them. - POST REFS, preferably full body ones. it saves me time - WRITE YOUR REQUEST IN CLEAR ENGLISH. don't just fucking go "huge butt". like what the fuck am i supposed to do with that also please describe it. i'm not a goddamn mind reader. - DON'T ASK A BUNCH OF TIME WASTING QUESTIONS it's fine asking what other rules i might have or if i'll try something big, but don't ask me stupid stuff like "what's your character limit?" or "do you do alts?". if you have to ask more than what i'll draw, it's definitely not something i'll even consider - DON'T ASK HOW LONG IT'LL TAKE these're just requests, could take a day, could take a year, i'll take however damn much time i want, they're for
anonymous's avatar
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thought it'd be fun to make a post for sfw/fun requests to do, so as to not mix up reqs and so i can have the chance to draw stuff i can have fun with same rules as my nsfw request post here TL;DR - - don't use notes or chat for reqs, i won't do them, post them on these designated posts - describe your request clearly in plain english - post references showing what you want - don't waste a post asking dumb questions, anything you can ask is in this post - don't bug me on how long it'll take - you can try multiple requests but only after your first one is done, but i won't do the same thing twice so try to make it interesting - if the idea's fun/interesting or if the characters have a neat design, i'll overlook if it's a big thing like a comic or something with multiple characters. but if it's clearly something only you want, like super niche, there's no chance i'd stick my neck out that far for a request if it needs multiple pictures or characters, i want to have fun, not indulge
anonymous's avatar
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how git gud

0 min read
these days i just keep thinking how i can improve and stop being a shit fossil from 2014, fucking flat colours and only fan-art, but like the only active art forum i can think of is 4chan's /ic/ and fucking christ those guys would eat me fucking alive with tartar sauce. i have considered trying to post studies there but the few times i did, i was totally ignored there's got to be a happy medium between no one having the guts to critique my shit without throwaway comments like "try shading" and being laughed out of the room after being roasted in a eco friendly oven. like a guy needs SOME guidance i thought back to conceptart but that don't exist no more, nowadays it feels like any randy with 1 - 2 solid years of practice is just starting their own fucko course or demanding paid critique for what they learned from a book you can buy or download for far less. i get the hustle but actually offer something, don't just copy+paste shit from dead masters and sell it on gumroad
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 141

anonymous's avatar
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TheSirenLord's avatar

Do you do commissions/ art trades?

woahdangman's avatar

yes, i do both. i tend to discuss them over notes

InkyHeart013's avatar

Awesome stuff you got here! (No requests here, just a compliment.)

arthurdisneysdw's avatar

Fat Daria Morgendorffer Please

Japanfan89's avatar

Say, are you still taking requests?

Can you do a sequel to the Maron inflation pic with her inflated even bigger and enjoying it? (Which frustrates Android 18).

woahdangman's avatar

i prefer requests on my pinned post

i do not like having to look in multiple places for requests
i won't do any that aren't on this post