The Elements: Rainbow raffle closedwitherlings on DeviantArt

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The Elements: Rainbow raffle closed



Rainbow Bullet - F2U! The Elements: Rainbow FREE raffle is closed! Rainbow Bullet - F2U! 

Comments are disabled, please send me a note if you have any questions.
Free raffle opens Sunday April 29th 11AM Eastern Time
Raffle is open for 6 hours (11AM-5PM)

claimed by 0alacrity

This is a free adoptable for ThoseWhoWentMissing players!
There is a 800AP raffle entry requirement.
You must be TWWM player level Bud or higher in order to enter and you will be required to link to your player profile when filling out the raffle form.

[Licoon] Max EXP


uncommon traits eye spots, blaze, spots
rare traits rainbow, iridescence
mutations colorshift
morph aquatic
biome fresh waters
Rain Elemental
[Licoon] Max EXP FREE raffle, 800AP requirement [Licoon] Max EXP

This esk has a color-changing ability. It has a pearlescent light-blue version and a iridescent dark-gray version. The base color changes but the markings remain, and the rainbow is in the transition area beetween the two. I am not an animator but here is my sad little mock-up:
Screenshot 2018-04-27 17.23.08 by witherlings  
I sorta imagine it like this video but in rainbow. You can play around with it however you like!
It lives in a seasonal pool and can summon rain to fill it up. You can come up with your own concepts for how the rainbow color changing relates to this elemental ability :] have fun with it

Here's a bonus doodle without nature features
Screenshot 2018-04-27 11.51.14 by witherlings 

Rainbow Bullet - F2U!  guidelines Rainbow Bullet - F2U! 

All of the Elements adoptables will have their raffles open on the same day/time and will have the winners rolled at the same time.
One adoptable per person.
 Repeat raffle winners will be rerolled. You may enter as many raffles as you like.
Note: I am generally flexible with letting a friend claim a raffle ticket on your behalf if you are unavailable, but if you recruit numerous people to do claims for you it's kind of unfair to others. Please mark your claims clearly if they are proxy entries.

quick links: editing premades | payment rules | ownership transfer rules | terms of service


thanks so much!
note: claim name listed here only indicates who claimed the adoptable and may not represent ownership in the future. Please use the Esk-Masterlist to check for up-to-date ownership info if viewing this page after the sale has ended.
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1600x1040px 739.65 KB
© 2018 - 2025 witherlings
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Rainbow Bullet - F2U! Comment here to enter the raffle! Rainbow Bullet - F2U! 

You must include a link to your TWWM Player Profile and have at least 800AP !