The Ancients: Sale and free raffle [closed]witherlings on DeviantArt

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The Ancients: Sale and free raffle [closed]



Fossil The Ancients: flat sale raffle + one free raffle [closed] Fossil 

A, B, C, D, E, and F are available for a flat sale raffle that has no entry requirement. 
Flat sale adoptables are $50-$75 sliding scale, pay what you want.

G is a free raffle that has a 100AP requirement.
You must be TWWM player level Seed or higher in order to enter and you will be required to link to your player profile in your comment!

raffle is closed !!
winners listed below

thank you to 
ZooofAlexandria Eldr-Fire  Karijinni  painted-flamingo  Kiire  Verlidaine  for your great nature feature suggestions!

Pixel Bone - F2U! 


uncommon traits dark mask, chest marking
rare traits none
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @Xeshaire Orange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits spots, dark mask, bright marking
rare traits none
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @lizbotOrange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits stripes, dark mask, blaze, eye spots, false ears
rare traits none
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @PonkochiOrange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits socks
rare traits bright eye
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @VinnVonn Orange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits dark mask, stripes
rare traits bright eye
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @FruitCrepeOrange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits bold markings, stripes, bright markings
rare traits bright eye
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @VerlidaineOrange Dot Bullet - F2U!   


uncommon traits none
rare traits glowing eye
Orange Dot Bullet - F2U! @kaorusquee

free raffle adoptable will not be available for resale or trading outside of esk/TF swaps, ownership transfers will be free gifts or swaps.

Fossil guidelines Fossil 

It is a sliding scale— pay what you can within the listed ranges. I only accept Paypal via invoice. Do not pm me until I have replied to you to confirm your raffle win, then you may send me a note to tell me how much you would like to pay and provide your email in order to receive the invoice. I now distribute full resolution files by note.

One adoptable per person. Repeat raffle winners will be rerolled. You may enter as many raffles as you like.
Note: I am generally flexible with letting a friend claim a raffle ticket on your behalf if you are unavailable, but if you recruit numerous people to do claims for you it's kind of unfair to other buyers. Please mark your claims clearly if they are proxy entries.

quick links: editing premades | payment rules | ownership transfer rules | terms of service

Pixel Bone - F2U! 

thanks so much!
note: claim name listed here only indicates who claimed the adoptable and may not represent ownership in the future. Please use the Esk-Masterlist to check for up-to-date ownership info if viewing this page after the sale has ended.

Trying out a shorter raffle window this time, will have a longer one for the next raffle — thanks for letting me try out different options! I hope mixing it up has been okay, thanks for your feedback~
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8411x5378px 8.03 MB
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AustralianMarcus's avatar
Looks like my ideas came true