Witchwoods's avatar


Years Ago
66 Members359 Watchers
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anonymous's avatar
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CycleKing's avatar
Hello, and thank you for your interest in WitchWoods!

Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting new members and there are currently no plans to reopen.
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dragoon72's avatar
Hi! Sorry to bother I know a lot is probably going on right now, but are you guys still active and, if so, will you guys be open for applications/reservations any time soon? I took a particular interest and this really caught my eye;great job on the whole idea!
plapla132's avatar

I've been wanting to try for a third time to get into this group. I hope life is treating you well- though do you know when you might be open to reservations again?

CycleKing's avatar

i wish i had a good answer for you! we've recently had a lot of shifts in moderation as well as canceling our ongoing storyline, so it's a little hard to say whether a group opening would be a good idea or not. :(

as of right now there aren't any plans for one, and while that may change once things stabilize again, i can't make any promises. so sorry!

plapla132's avatar

As long as things are going well. I'll keep my eyes open, nonetheless. Good luck with everything!