Sad Chibi PikachuWispTheKitty on DeviantArt

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Sad Chibi Pikachu



I found this on Google, I honestly don't know who originally did this drawing first, but I believe it was someone on pinterest who did it originally.
I give credit to him/ her, they did it digital.
If you know who did it first, please link them to me so I can give them the proper credit they deserve. (Edit: Jess Gamez on Pinterest did it originally) ->…

Anyway, this is for one of my Choir teacher's who won't be back at my school (the one I'm leaving due to passing) the next year, I felt sad.
She was a great friend, she loved Pokémon as much as I did. This came to mind, how she loves Pokémon, but she is very sad to go.
So, have a sad chibi Pikachu. :(
I don't want to see her go, she was here for this year only, and it's already over! :crying:

I will miss all my friends here, especially a friend of mine I mentioned earlier who is moving to Germany.
This is breaking my heart! :iconimdeadplz:

I hope you like this adorably sad Pikachu!
:iconsadpikachuplz::iconsays3plz: Pika-pi...?

Drawing ~ WispTheKitty
Character ~ Game Freak & Nintendo
Originally ~ Jess Gamez on Pinterest
Image size
2367x2580px 625.62 KB
© 2015 - 2025 WispTheKitty
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BluePeach14's avatar
This is awesome!! Poor Pika!!!!