
Wind Boy 15

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WishIWould's avatar

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Mom stood at the edge of the cliff near her hovel, staring out over the choppy sea as the sun sank lower. I drifted low and touched ground beside her. The stiff wind blew right into my eyes, pushing the wetness back from them. I welcomed the feeling. It was as if Amanda were still here, trying to wipe off my tears.

I took Mom's hand, as I had done many times before when she stood at her lonely seaside vigil. But this time was different. I understood now the ache, the lump in my throat I'd never be able to swallow - the way the breeze blowing past my dried, salty lips almost felt like her kiss again. For me, it was final. Amanda was gone. But for Mom...she still had a hope, even if it was a dead one - even if she hadn't seen him for years, he could always come back.

Amanda wouldn't.
A jump into the future :(

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© 2014 - 2025 WishIWould
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Frotu's avatar
OKAY NOW HOLD THE PHONE GIRLFRIEND. Pretty sure you aren't allowed to go from cute little fun family times and drop us into whatever serious shiz has gone down without any warning! You better be intending to update soon because the amount of "what? what?? wHAT?!?" that just occurred cannot be left unsated for very long!

I'm still pretty discombobulated, but this is very painfully lovely. His sudden deeper understanding of his mother and how you chose to explain that is very poignant (and paaaainful whyeeee).