Unmanly (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
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Literature Text
Class seemed much longer than usual as Kirishima drowned out the sound of Aizawa-sensei’s lecture in favor of staring out the window. And yet, even the sight of the trees outside couldn’t stop him from turning to gaze, once again, in your direction.
(Last Name) (First Name).
Not only were you one of the most diligent students in the class, but you were also equally talented, not to mention attractive and outgoing. Kirishima clenched his fist wistfully, looking up at the ceiling. If only he could man up enough to ask you out. Then he could tell you all of this in person—
“Oi, Kirishima. I asked you to answer a question, not fight an invisible enemy” Aizawa-sensei snapped from the front of the classroom.
“Oh, r-right! Sorry!”
Letting out another sigh as he trudged out of U.A., Kirishima pondered how he could approach you. Perhaps he could ask for help on the exam? But if he did that, he was sure his other classmates wouldn’t hesitate to ask for your help as well.
“Hey, Sh*tty Hair, your sighing’s getting annoying” Bakugou barked from beside him.
Kirishima glanced sullenly at Bakugou, then shook his head.
There was no way, right?
As he snuck another glance in his friend’s direction, Bakugou snapped “stop staring! Just spit it out, dumb*ss!”
“Bakugou, how would you ask a girl out?” Kirishima asked, deciding to give Bakugou the benefit of the doubt.
“Hah? I’d challenge her to a fight and crush her!” Bakugou said, smashing his fists together.
“I want to ask (Last Name) out, not knock her out” Kirishima said exasperatedly, “you’re thinking of the wrong kind of out.” After a moment of thought, Kirishima snapped his fingers. “I was thinking of buying her a gift, or maybe taking her out to eat!”
“Seriously? How boring” Bakugou scoffed, “a fight would be way more interesting!”
“You’re...really hopeless” Kirishima groaned. He then straightened, lifting his fist into the air.
“You know what? I’ll man up and do it...like a man!”
“Whatever” Bakugou grunted.
Kirishima tapped his fingers nervously against the table, his eyes constantly flitting from you to the clock. As soon as the bell rang, Kirishima grabbed his bag and raced out the door after you.
“Wait, (Last Name)!”
You turned at the sound of his voice and after exchanging a few words with Yaoyorozu, who nodded and continued on home, you waited for him to approach.
“Kirishima-kun” you greeted with a smile.
Kirishima swallowed hard. Why did you have to be so d*mn attractive?
“Sorry about that” Kirishima said nervously, “I wanted to talk to you.”
“What did you want to talk about?” you asked.
“You see, I—”
Cr*p. This was going to be hard.
“I think you’re manly!” Kirishima burst out, “wait no, that’s not what I meant to say.”
Panicking, Kirishima said quickly, “I want to fight you—no, ask you…!”
Kirishima internally groaned at his own stupidity. Why did he think he could do this? Should he play it off as a joke? But it was already too late to just pass off as a—
You laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ah. What a failure. How unmanly of him.
“I’m...sorry” Kirishima said sheepishly, “I’ll stop taking up your time now—”
“Actually, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about as well” you said, seeming a little embarrassed as you tucked your hair behind your ear. “Would you like to go on a date with me, Kirishima-kun? I’ve admired you for a while now.”
Kirishima gaped as he processed your words. You admired him?
Was he dreaming?
But you were standing in front of him, waiting nervously for his response. This was reality!
“Of course, yes!” Kirishima said quickly, “I’ve admired you, too! I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time!”
You gave him a bright smile. “That’s a relief! I’m glad I talked to Bakugou-kun yesterday.”
“Huh, Bakugou?” Kirishima asked in confusion.
“Ah well” you averted your gaze, “yesterday, Bakugou-kun approached me and asked how I felt about you, Kirishima-kun. So I thought that maybe, I’d be brave and ask you about it.”
Kirishima lifted his fist in the air, crying silent tears of gratitude for his friend.
Bakugou, how unexpected. Thank you, my friend!
“Um...if we’re dating now, would it be alright to call you Eijirou-kun?” you asked timidly.
Stiffening embarrassedly at the thought, Kirishima stammered “uh yes, I mean...no! Wait, no I mean—!”
“Haha, which is it?”
Kirishima cursed himself.
How unmanly!