
Practice and Mottos (Aomine Daiki x Reader)

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"Aomine-kun!" Momoi waved her hands frantically in front of Aomine's face, "Dai-chan!"

"Leave me alone, Satsuki" the male grumbled, pushing her away and burying his face in his Mai-chan magazine.

You smiled at the scene a few feet away from you. As childhood friends, Momoi was the closest girl to Aomine, probably even closer than you.

You had only met Momoi at Touou Academy just a few months ago. Needless to say, Momoi had introduced you her closest friend, Aomine Daiki.

You sighed.

You had a crush on Aomine since hearing about his amazing feats in Teiko middle school.

Well, you weren't special. Who hadn't crushed on wall of them?

Superstitious Midorima Shintarou. Handsome Kise Ryouta. Tall, clueless Murasakibara Atsushi. Invisible Kuroko Tetsuya. Perfect Akash Seijuro. Strong Aomine Daiki.

You wanted to convince yourself that you were different from the other fangirls. It felt like you had admired Aomine forever, but you knew it would take more than that for him to acknowledge and take an interest in you.

"(Name)-chan! You convince him to come to practice" Momoi sighed, "I have to get back to the gym. Coach can't handle the team stats himself."

"Huh?" you asked, startled by her request, "wait!"

"I'm counting on you!" Momoi called to you before hurrying back down the stairs.

You now remained on the rooftop alone with your unrequited love.

"Uh—" you started.

"Shut up, (Last Name)."

You fell silent. The wind blew around you and you sighed, sitting down with your book.

‘Might as well stay quiet for a few moments to calm him down’ you thought.

After a few minutes, you closed your book and made your way over to Aomine. "You shouldn't skip practice, Aomine-kun."

"You're just as bad as Satsuki."

"Don't you think it's a little mean not to go to practice? Everyone else is working hard for their upcoming games" you pointed out.


"Everyone else practices. I know that Kise-kun, Kuroko-kun, Midorima-kun, and Akashi-kun all practice hard to play basketball. Murasakibara-kun practices, too, even if it's due to Himuro-kun's bargaining."

Aomine yawned, turning over onto his side.

You sighed and poked his foot.

"Aomine-kun. I'll drag you if I have to" you threatened.

He shrugged, his eyes still closed.

You huffed and swung your arms around. You played (sport), so it should give you enough arm power. You grabbed a hold of one of his legs and pulled. He didn't budge. You pulled again, towards the direction of the rooftop door. He moved slightly. You continued like this for long minutes, puffing. Surprisingly, you reached the door.

"H-hey..." you panted, "Aomine-kun...please get up now."

You turned back to see he had stood and made his way back to where they had started. Making a sound of exasperation, you sat.

"Hey, Aomine-kun. Why do you hate practicing so much?"

"The more I practice, the more boring basketball gets" he sighed, "the only one who can beat me is me." Then he sat up and looked at you finally, smirking. "Why do you even stick around? You know you can't convince me to practice."

"Because Momoi-san asked me to" you replied nonchalantly, trying to hide your blush.

‘What if he knows—?’

"Don't lie to me, (Last Name)" he said, lying back down. "I know you like me. It's been obvious for a while now."

Stricken, you were silent for a few moments.

Then you asked carefully, "does it bother you, that so many girls like you?"

"Yeah. But if it's you, I don't give a d*mn."

"What's that supposed to—"

"Go out with me."


"You're not as annoying as Satsuki and you're probably better at cooking, too. So go out with me." Aomine said, still engrossed in his magazine.

"A-Aomine-kun! If this is some kind of joke—"

"Look do you want to go out with me or not? Cause if you don't, I'll just go back to Mai—"

"I like you, Aomine-kun. I want to go out with you" you bursted out.

“Well then, that’s that” Aomine said, yawning.

You shifted your feet uncomfortably. “Aomine-kun...did you ask me out really l-like me, too?”

You held your breath as you waited for an answer.

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed ahold of your arm and dragged you down. You couldn’t process what was happening until his lips crashed into yours. Despite the force by which he had pulled you, his lips were softer than you would have ever expected. You closed your eyes and surrendered to the gentle pressure of his lips.

Aomine pulled away too fast. He seemed to see the disappointment in your eyes and he smirked. “Do you have your answer now?”

It took all of your strength to utter a weak “yes.”

"Good." Aomine said, standing up. "Well...let's get to practice."

"You're practicing?!" you scrambled up, following your new boyfriend. You put your hands on your face, willing the redness in your cheeks to disappear, "hey! Aomine-kun!"

"I'm not saying I dropped the motto" he said, "I'm just going because you told me to. Remember...the only one who can beat me is me."

"And Akashi-kun, Kuroko-kun, and Kagami-kun" you muttered.

"What?" Aomine asked grouchily, looking annoyed.


"Don't be ridiculous, (First Name). The only one—"

"Who can beat you is you, yeah, I know!"

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