
Idiot (Kaminari Denki x Reader)

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Wishbloom-hearts's avatar

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~ Crack fic suggested by The-Queen-Of-Mokonas ~


The classroom was quieter than usual as you sat at your usual desk next to the classroom door. Only Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Todoroki remained in the classroom while the others had left for break. Final exams were coming up and you hoped to get in a little bit of studying while you could.

That was just what you had hoped though.

The door slammed open with a loud crash and without warning and an angry Bakugou stormed into the room with a poor victim in tow. The rest of the class followed him in, laughing uncontrollably.

“Here!” Bakugou yelled at you, “take this and do something about it!”

“This?” you repeated before a yellow and gray mass was thrown in your direction.

“Whee~” the mass squealed as it fell.

You caught your boyfriend, Kaminari Denki in your arms before he could hit his head on your desk.

You looked up at Bakugou in confusion, then back down at Kaminari, who muttered incoherent speech, while jabbing his thumbs up in the air.

“Pfft…” you felt the urge to laugh when you saw the stupid expression on his face. At the same time, Kaminari let out a girlish, high-pitched giggle.

“Yay~” he wheezed.

“Shut it up!” Bakugou yelled, pointing a finger accusingly in Kaminari’s direction.

You turned away from Bakugou, cradling Kaminari’s head in your arms.

“Who do you think you’re calling an ‘it’?” you demanded defensively.

“Dunce Face won’t stop laughing!” Bakugou snarled, explosions exploding around him. “It’s driving me insane!”

“Rather than Dunce Face, what about Jamming-yay?” Jiro laughed.

“Because even though he’s so strong, he ends up like an idiot” Ashido chimed in.

“Kaminari, you b*stard” Mineta cried, “you’re doing this on purpose so that (Name) holds you in her arms!”

There was a moment of silence before another “whee~” echoed throughout the room.

“Idiot” Kirishima sighed, “what could you ever do without (Name)?”

“I’m strong~” Kaminari said in a high-pitched voice, “you can depend on me~”

He jabbed his thumb upwards, right into a fuming Bakugou’s left eye.

Bakugou screamed in agony, leaping away.


Bakugou began to race back in your direction, but Iida and Kirishima held him back.

“Bakugou-kun! Don’t lose your composure!” Iida yelled.

“Did he even have composure to lose?” Kirishima asked.

“D*mn it! Let go of me! D*mn you, glasses! You pickin a fight, Sh*tty hair?!”

You turned away from the chaos, sighing.

“What idiots” Jiro sighed, shaking her head.

“Kaminari-san causes quite a lot of trouble for you. And he’s 20th in the class out of 20 people in terms of grades” Yaoyorozu said, closing her book with a sigh. “Honestly, (Name), why do you keep up with him?”

You looked down at Kaminari’s “stupid face,” then smiled.

“I think he’s cute” you said.

Silence echoed throughout the classroom for a moment as the students stared at you in disbelief. Finally, someone spoke.

“I get it now. They’re both idiots.”

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ADaughterOfApollo's avatar

How did it take so long for them to notice I'm an idiot?! lol loved this story. Kaminari is mine!!!