HL :: Our Special Place (Collab)Wiree on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wiree/art/HL-Our-Special-Place-Collab-948021040Wiree

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HL :: Our Special Place (Collab)




Cirque de la Lune is a very special time for the ghoulfriends, they experienced a lot of their firsts as a couple at the event and it seems they're intent on making even more memories.
Their relationship has grown A LOT over the years and neither could be happier.
Nwaoma knows Enya is an advent fan of astrology, but rather than going to the planetarium, she brought Enya back to the circus grounds after dark to enjoy the natural stars the islands are blessed to see all year long! Plus, Enya got to try Granizado for the first time.
A massive thank you to KayVeeDee for doing this collab with me. These two mean so much to me and its great to be working together again on their story!
Also, everyone please send applause to Kay for mirroring this piece to the collab we did back in 2019, their first cirque after becoming friends.
I love these two a not normal amount, please look at these cuties.

Lines & Nwaoma © KayVeeDee
Coloring & Enya © Wiree
Image size
1404x1903px 2.19 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Wiree
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