Wireball's avatar


ELPMC Member
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (27)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

Current Residence: Outer spiral arm, Earth, PST
Favourite genre of music: Classical Instrumental, Industrial, New Age (Starcraft), et cetera.
Operating System: Windows 7 all the things. Except for the servers.
MP3 player of choice: JVC car audio deck
Shell of choice: Bash, via SecureCRT ;) (Wink)
Wallpaper of choice: Walking Hazards (DMFA) - www.missmab.com/dload.htm
Personal Quote: Wombats are furry!

Favourite Writers
Neal Stephenson, and ShamusYoung.com/shocked/
Favourite Games
X-COM: UFO Defense, Thief II: The Metal Age
Favourite Gaming Platform
80x86 (PC)
Tools of the Trade
0.7mm mech. pencil, Canon A590 IS
Other Interests
Computer hardware, 3D modeling/animation, drawing, web design, R/C aircraft, etc.
I attended BlizzCon '09 Fri & Sat, Aug 21-22 and took lots of photographs.  I never though I'd fill up two 16GB and two 8GB SDHC cards, but the video I shot took up a lot of space.It's really tricky to take decent photographs without a flash in such a dark convention environment.  Trickier still when having to take it at low shutter speeds.  I tried to use ISO 400 when I could, but often I had to resort to ISO 800, so please forgive any graininess.  Camera used: Canon Powershot A590 IS.Check out this guy's BlizzCon pictures thread.  He has a different set of pics than me, although in a few cases we got pictures of the same people.  You'll ...
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Geeking out

0 min read
I got my UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) hooked up between my computers, Internet router, and the wall!  So now I can do electrical maintenance and clear tangled cords without taking down the computerized PBX I'm running.I purchased a Canon PowerShot A590 IS (Image Stabilization) digital camera for Christmas, and I've been having fun with it.  It's quite adjustable, and takes nice photos.  I use manual mode a lot.One of these days, I'll get my apartment cleared up.  Then I can post before and after photos and video.  I'll be famous!  I can see the headlines now; "World's messiest apartment"
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Shark brain

0 min read
Something new!  http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/44180334/  No, wait, I never post new stuff - you must be imagining it.  ;)With regards to the mood icon (Winter Downs), I actually rather like it.  I like snow.  I guess you could say I have the winter downs because it /isn't/ snowing here in Pasadena, but in actuality it's just a preference; I feel fine.Listening to: I Feel Fantastic, by Jonathan Coulton.  You can hear it for free.  You can even download it.  Hmm, that reminds me, I owe the artist a dollar or three.  Anyway, it's a rather lively and amusing song.  http://www.jonathancoulton.com/lyrics/i-feel-fantastic
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Profile Comments 14

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kimos's avatar
Outer spiral arm- interesting where it is- say we have around this shitcan Terra Nova 2 rings protective and somewhere Stat on Moon direction, than Death Planet near Plutonium- Outer spiral is aproximatly where if so besides all - nise dressed chooses
NyuuChanDiannePie's avatar
Thank you for the Premium account :) Sorry for the late reply but i didnt notice it since i was inactive last year.
Wireball's avatar
By all means - no problem! And as you can see, I took three months to reply : P
predzor's avatar
Thank you for adding my World of Warcraft cosplay to your faves! :heart:
WindyLife's avatar
Hello :wave:
Thank you so much for adding my deviation to your :+fav:
I really appreciate your support :aww:
getfckd's avatar
Thx fer watchin'
supremextreme's avatar
Hi David, thanks for dropping by my page and I really enjoyed your gallery and loot picture. You've got a wonderful style and I look forward to more of your art. Thanks for including my card and link. Way cool of you. I give you :hug: s and
:pie: cheers, Susaye