How I Do It - WingsWinter-Osprey on DeviantArt

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Winter-Osprey's avatar

How I Do It - Wings



Again, this is my personal way of drawing wings. It should not be used as a realistic reference!

I have a confession to make.

I HATE drawing wings.

Or well, wing fingers. It's why when I hand draw them you'll often see me using the method above and then using colour to determine the width of the finger. In images where I've drawn the full finger, I've used the pen tool to keep consistency.

Don't forget, join the membrane at the HIP! Not the shoulder at the bottom of the rib cage. Hip hip hip, or longer down the tail, but nothing less! Your poor dragon wouldn't be able to fly otherwise!

Another piece of advice, when in doubt, look at your arms and hands and see how they move and flex. It's very helpful :)

PSD here: [link]
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1000x649px 101.58 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Winter-Osprey
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Easily-Distracted-15's avatar
What program do you use? Its photoshop isnt it -_-