TLK - Adopt | CLOSEDWinter--Berry on DeviantArt

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Winter--Berry's avatar

TLK - Adopt | CLOSED



:bulletwhite: RULES :bulletwhite:

Pastel Blue Bullet Price: 10 :points:

Pastel Blue Bullet This is first come first serve, please don't fight in the comments Pastel Blue Bullet

Red Pixel Orb I don't accept Via or Paypal/art or trades, they can only be bought for DA points Red Pixel Orb

Green DiamondPlease wait for my approval before sending the payment Green Diamond

Pastel Blue Bullet I can hold the lion/lions for 2 days Pastel Blue Bullet

Pastel Blue Bullet If you do not pay after two days, it will be open again Pastel Blue Bullet

Green DiamondIf you no longer need them, please offer them back to me first before you sell it Green Diamond

Red Pixel Orb Don't buy it just to resell  or RP purpose only Red Pixel Orb

Pastel Blue Bullet If you read the rules, write down your favourite animal Pastel Blue Bullet

Green Diamond Please credit me for desing Green Diamond
Green Diamond Yes, you can decide the name, age, etc|Change the, eye and nose color|Add horns, wings, jewelry etc Green Diamond
Green Diamond Yes, you can remove or keep scars/accessories or stuffs that belong to the lion you bought Green Diamond
Red Pixel Orb Please do not change the gender! Red Pixel Orb

Red Pixel Orb It's forbidden to steal my desing or my linearts! I worked very hard on them! Red Pixel Orb

Pastel Blue Bullet After payment, I will send you a file containing a basic version Pastel Blue Bullet
Red Pixel Orb It's forbidden to upload the file what I give you, please create a new one in your style Red Pixel Orb

.: ORDER :.

1 2
3 4

1.) ---> Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!
2.) ---> Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!
3.) ---> Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!
4.) ---> Dot Bullet (Red) - F2U!


Lineart ~ me

Image size
4673x3700px 1.58 MB
© 2025 Winter--Berry
anonymous's avatar
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KairiKeyz's avatar

I'll buy number 2, my favorite animal is the lion, funny enough.