[Titanfall 2] SequelaeWinnie-thepurplegirl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/winnie-thepurplegirl/art/Titanfall-2-Sequelae-1143165502Winnie-thepurplegirl


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[Titanfall 2] Sequelae

Character  Jack Cooper



Speedpaint of a reimagining of our previous work Starving.

"What if Cooper never healed from the trauma?"

And based on the pictures, here's a short fanfic that burst out with a even more messed-up mind. (Just take it as the fanwork of this fanart, with a bad ending😢)

My Delicious Blue Sun

"I am Jack Cooper, the Pilot of BT-7274. Though the time we've spent together has been short, it doesn't affect the fact that he is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen - I have watered him countless times in the infinite wilderness, and then the blue geyser vents would erupt at the right times. I love the warm feeling.

Last time, I was so hungry. In my drowsiness, a low birdsong echoed around me, urging me to pick some thorns to eat, but I refused to pick my flowers. Then, some stones immediately pressed against me, crushing me uncomfortably. And of course, the thorns tasted awful as well.

When I woke up, I saw a familiar petal – right, at least I had saved the geyser. Things weren’t so bad after all.

A few days later, a mountain came to visit me, and I was so happy. I reached out, intending to pick some flowers for it, but the flock of birds around me let out unpleasant shrills – they weren’t the same ones as before. The noise made me so dizzy that I grabbed a pitchfork and tried to shoo them away, but the mountain left along with them.

Then, at some point, it started snowing. When I woke up, the snow had covered my body. My arms were frozen, which made me worry about my flower freezing to death. I miss the warmth of the geyser, but here there are only noisy birds and storms blocking my way, and I have to find a way to avoid or remove them.

Frozen arms can't handle anything very well. No matter how hard I tried to silence the birds, they kept coming, screaming and crawling from every direction. The storm grew stronger, and the feather-stained mud kept accumulating on my feet. Cleaning and absorbing no longer helped. I took advantage of the polar night to follow the aurora all the way to the foot of that mountain.

The geyser erupted, but I didn't feel that warmth, which left me a little frustrated and a little scared. If I was going to protect my flower from the cold, I needed to keep my strength up, not my hunger.

I lifted the slab. I didn't find a heart, but there were lots of tasty vines attached to the stone walls. I bit one and put it in my mouth. Just then, a sudden and violent earthquake struck, and I failed to escape, letting the rocks bury me.

The bird stared at me, letting out some incomprehensible chirps. I should have understood it, but I was stuck between the rocks and couldn't move. It must have seen the feathers mixed with the muddy water, and became sad.

I could feel it – the geyser might never erupt for me again.

The weight of the rocks was so great that they were crushing me. I had seen this before, but it was a new experience. "I don't want to be like this," I said to it. "If I can't leave, please... at least don't let me freeze to death like this, will you?"

The bird neither responded nor flew away. The blue sun was rising, my wish was coming true.

The snow on my body began to melt, everything was burning under the sun's sting.

My flower, the most beautiful blue flower, was blooming in a field of bright red and pink. "BT, look, how beautiful this is!" I said, waving my hand. I love the warm feeling.

The bird seems to have flown off, I can’t see anything.

The flowers bloom quietly over me, soon they would collapse into nothing.

I decide to let my thoughts linger on the moments when they are still beautiful.

Good night, BT."

Pilot Jack Cooper was left with an irreparable sequela due to the extreme action decision taken during the last mission. I deeply regret the subsequent threat he has posed to the Frontier Militia. After analyzing his latest behaviors, I have concluded that there is an extremely unpromising development. To atone and prevent further loss, I decide to terminate the life of Jack Cooper – my Pilot. For violating Protocol 3, I will completely shut down the operational systems of the Vanguard-class Titan BT-7274 upon completion of this action.

Good night, Jack.

<Execute> Delete [Jack Cooper].

<Execute> Delete [BT-7274].

- BT-7274 Runtime Log Archive -

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FunTimeRachel's avatar

Dang that's crazy and awesome. Nice work.