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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Apr 30, 1992
  • Norway
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (451)
Not A Lie Cake: It's so delicious and moist (6)
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio

Commission headshot price: 5 dollars.
Open/closed: Closed
Comission info:

because I am too lazy to copypast it all
Payment: paypal.
(not made yet)

I do requests, but not when comissions are open.
I do collabs, but only with friends.
Art trades are open only for friends and I only do them when I bother.

Facebook: Maria Amalie Thorkildsen.
I want to know who you are when you want to add me, I do NOT want any random strange or perv to add me.

Skype: windchildeda

Msn: Note me.
again, no pervs or people I don't know.
that is for skype to, I do not want to end up with guys who want to show off their baby dicks.

Phone number:
Like you are getting THAT one? :X (Mad)D:


will come

Things to do:

done: Bullet; Green (only need to upload)
Started: Bullet; Yellow
not started: Bullet; Red

I REALLY have to get started on these...a half year or more..geez! D: that's too long!

2, :Icontowathestallion45:- towathestallion45.deviantart.c... Bullet; Yellow

3,:Iconloonalion: - Bullet; Red

SpotlightArt trades/desing tradesSpotlight

1, :Iconbloodwolf23: - Bullet; Red

2,desing trade with :Icontowathestallion45: Bullet; Yellow (if I remember right, I have 2-3 more todo?)

SpotlightGift art/RequestSpotlight

Spotlightstable thingsSpotlight
- reffs for:

-sex & hollywood


BWS Malicious behavior x Ns ?(notyetsure Roll Eyes )

Sms He who brings the night x Ns Mara

SpotlightThings I am working on:

Favourite Visual Artist
No comment,toomanygoodD:
Favourite Movies
Princess Mononoke, Howl's moving castle and much more.
Favourite TV Shows
The Bigbang theory.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Green Day,Three days greace,Tokio hotel...etc ect.
Favourite Books
clan of the horses and silver brumby stallion
Tools of the Trade
Gimp 2 and wacom bamboo fun pen and touch tablet
Other Interests
Photography and Writing
I blame @Prettybold for this and I have no idea what I'm doing because I have kinda given up on this website since It's not dumbass friendly. Maybe I should come back and try to do some harpg again. SHHH tell us who your favorite is, we wont tell the others hehe With no shame I'll say Samuel (previously Snake) , he has changed a lot through the years much thanks to my partner in crime who also have kidnapped all my characters, @Prettybold . Who is the Chaotic one? Uh, I think Ayame is the only one who can be that, the others are a mess (except old man Andreas, Bjørn and the yet to be introduced vet, Fred .) Whos the Angel/Best behaving one?~ I want to say Amalie but it got to be Handyman Bjørn. Who sold Who to a stranger for a single pretzel? Amalie and Emil is selling their grumby as man baby of a brother, Samuel. Oh what's this? we already have a buyer??? :eyes: What's a/some canon moment(s) that have only happened in your head and no one else knows about? Everything
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anonymous's avatar
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No shit to anyone who like it but i don't. It's confusing and like a friend of me said to me: It puts artists down by putting them up against each other. If they check themselves up against popular and active artists here, whats the point of posting when you are shown people are better then you? Not exact words but same meaning. thanks but no thanks I hate it, it was bad when I can't upload high res. art anymore because I need to have space around my art or someshit so it clear and nice to look at? why make it so complicated wHEN ALL WE WANT IS TO POST ART. I haven't been active here but I wanted to get active again since I'm working on a project that would be nice to use deviantart for. I guess fucking not. If friends wants to follow me I'll start posting more as I go on Instagram I have two sorta active, One is more from games and art and is mostly shitposting. Maria_shadowhall I'll still drop by to try and support friends and artists I like, but
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Profile Comments 1.8K

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Bloodwine-tales's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch :)
MightyRaptor's avatar
Question. Do you like Balto? yay or nay?
windchilde's avatar
like the movie? if so yes, i do.
MightyRaptor's avatar
Nice I miss the 2D animation days.
windchilde's avatar
Same, I like how the new movies are often made now days but the 2D animatons are the best
Eveeka's avatar
Thanks for the watch! :D
AywenSix's avatar
Yo! Thank you for the watch <3