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If you guys do not like Fire Emblem, that's fine. But bashing on this game franchise like the worst game franchise of all time 24/7 and treating your hateful opinions on that game franchise as facts makes you look like an immature and childish person and it doesn't make you any better at all. Besides, there are worse games out there, whether it's in the past or present. Yet, you treat Fire Emblem the worst game franchise of all time? You guys hate this game franchise, for ruining your precious smashhood and the Smash franchise? Guess what? Nobody cares about your smashhood as much as your childhood, not that JRPG franchise! No offense and no buts, period.
Anyways, here is the list of worst games than Fire Emblem, and don't get butthurt when a game you enjoyed has been included here, okay?
There you have it you guys, I showed you worse games than the Fire Emblem franchise! Also, I disabled the comments, because I don't want to hear those hateful comments on the Fire Emblem franchise from those rabid hatebrats such as "But I like that game that you said is worse than Fire Emblem", "Fire Emblem sucks ass more than the games you hate!", "Fire Emblem NEVER deserves love and attention", "OMG HOW DARE YOU MENTION MY FAVORITE GAME THAT IS WORSE THAN THE FIRE EMBLEM FRANCHISE!!!", etc.
UPDATE: I decided to enable comments for you to comment, as long as not only IF you are civil and tame, but also, get that there are worse games out there.
Anyways, here is the list of worst games than Fire Emblem, and don't get butthurt when a game you enjoyed has been included here, okay?
- Fortnite
- Do I need to explain about this dumpster fire?
- Far Cry 5
- Don't get me wrong! I am a Far Cry boy is that I loved the 3rd and 4th Far Cry games and it's spinoff are awesome such as Blood Dragon and Primal. But this game is not that bad, but it's NOT a great game either! Why? Because it's got poor A.I., difficult quests, you cannot heal without a health kit, and SPOILERS! The bad ending is poorly written is that the nuke has been detonated, and who and why did they did this? The writters need to improve that bad ending. I hope that Far Cry 6 would be better, once I play that game.
- Among Us
- I can't believe I used to love that indie game, but I lost interest in that because it's repetitive and plot-less. Also, the fanbase is so awful is that they made unbearable memes, had Among Us overshadow Fall Guys, compared certain objects to crewmates and imposters, and overuse the term "SUS" and "imposter". I have seen better indie games than this such as Azure Striker Gunvolt, Henry Stickmin, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, Rivals of Aether, Fall Guys, Beyond Blue, Slime Rancher, Maneater, etc.
- Cyberpunk 2077
- That's right, I blacklisted this game. Go ahead and unwatch me, end your friendships with me, and even block me for that. Do you know why? That's because it's buggy and glitchy and it's got no patches. It's so unfinished that this makes Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) a masterpiece. Though there are redeeming about this game is that it featured certain voice actors and celebrities such as Keanu Reeves (who portrayed the title character of the John Wick quadrology, Duke Caboom from Toy Story 4, himself in The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run, and Thomas Anderson/Neo from The Matrix Resurrections) and Cherami Leigh (who portrayed Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online, Makoto Niijima from Persona 5, and Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon).
- No Man's Sky (Pre-2018)
- Before this game has been patched, this game is falsely advertised that this game is incomplete that this should have been early access. Few years later, it's complete now.
- Gundam 0079: The War for Earth
- Imagine when you age Dragon's Lair horribly and then put it in a blender with Gundam, and here you go! It's Gundam 0079: The War for Earth. You have to have advanced reflexes, otherwise If you make a mistake, then it's game over for you. Also, the live acting is awful and SPOILERS! It ends with a cliffhanger, and it's not funny anymore. That's why I prefer anthology stuffs over things that end with cliffhangers.
- CID The Dummy
- Ah yes, the poor man's Mega Man. Like Mega Man, CID the dummy has to save the daughter of a good scientist from an evil scientist. coincidental, doesn't it? Also, CID is such an unlikable protagonist that he's really annoying who says "Not such a dummy now, am I?" almost all the time. Also also, the controls - especially the Wii port - is abysmal that you have to use motion controls, and it stinks, especially when aiming. And that's why buttons are better. Also also also, the music plagiarized certain musics with the Wii startup copied Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" and one of the level music copied the battle music from Final Fantasy VII. This game deserves to be sued for that.
- Fast & Furious Crossroads
- I never seen any Fast & Furious movies but, this movie based game is dreadful. The controls are so slippery that you always keep hitting at everything all the time and when you crash, the camera pans to the vehicle you've crashed onto. Also, you always view at the front permanently, but the back view is not. In real life, you have to look not just the front, but also, sideview and the back when you're driving a car. Also also, the enemy AI is so abysmal that when you stop, they stop; when you back up, they back up to do the "killing us" thing. They are like defective animatronics. Also also also, there are laughably things when you're following the flow of regular gameplay such as fencing, when knocked down, gets magically respawns when you drive near it, drivers having no regards any logic or insanity when dealing with the traffic, and a greenlight that never turns red. Man, I am starting to think that this movie franchise has milked more than Michael Bay's Transformers movies and Ice Age movies.
- Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis
- All you got to do is save Atlantis, but with awful graphics, no voice acting, sluggish controls, and a gameplay taken from Superman 64. Also, there is a boxart of Aquaman holding a trident when in the game, he's got a hook on his hand.
- Ride to Hell: Retribution
- That's what you get when you take Grand Theft Auto and have it take place in 1960's, and then add in hideous graphics, linear environments, misogynistic elements, broken melee combat, terrible driving skills, bad voice acting, poorly written story, and repetitive gameplay.
- Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
- Ah yes, this game is based on a masterpiece of the 80s. Except, it's got enemies with smaller hitboxes, no checkpoints, a music that never ends and plays in almost every level, lazy level designs, extreme difficulty, and lazy but easy boss fights.
- Charlie's Angels
- Let's take this movie and turn it into a beat 'em up game, but with ugly graphics, dumb plot with a group of people called "Monument Thieves" who steal monuments such as the Statue of Liberty, which is impossible, swimsuits as impracticle armory, poor camera systems, annoying sound effects when an angel get hurt, too many glitches, and slow gameplay, especially when you have to climb a ladder for 30 seconds. Also, this game is made in France while the movie that it's based on is made in America, because of Neko Entertainment! That's so ridiculously silly. I rather go play WWF Panda Junior/Safari Adventures Africa over that abominable game.
- Batman: Dark Tomorrow
- Let's make a game based on a superhero of DC, but with poor gameplay engines, unresponsive controls, especially when using the bat-grapple, dumb stealth sections, extremely difficult boss battles, and no instructions whatsoever. Also, when you get yourself killed by a final boss, you have no equipment with you and that forces you to restart the game.
- Hong Kong 97
- You have to shoot at the bad guys while listening to that insufferable music. I rather go listen to Rebecca Black's Friday than to that hideous rhythm of that song. Also, it's more of an arcade than an actual video game is that you have to keep shoot to defeat your enemies and do it forever until you die.
- CrazyBus
- The menu music of this game is a perfect example of pure noise pollution that it's causing your ears to bleed hard. Oh, you think that Fire Emblem is the blandest game of all time right? WRONG! That title belongs to that game, because you cannot do anything else, besides moving the bus.
- Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
- That boxart shows that you have to deliver illegal cargo while avoiding the police when there aren't any of both of these in the actual game. Also, this game is so unrealistic that you can phase everything rather than colliding with buildings, trucks, and even the bridge. Also also, there are silly ways to win the game is that even when the AI opponent reaches the finish line, you still win and you have to go forward within few meters, and then go back and you win. Also also also, when you win the race, you get the message with poor grammar saying "You're winner!", and that's just laughable.
- Action 52
- Let's make a video game consisting of 52 games, but all of them are bad and broken is that it consists of bad gameplay, forgettable casts of characters, and frustrating controls. If I'm the director of this game, then I will fix every problem on each and every game.
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (The video game for Atari 2600, not the movie)
- This gameplay is so ridiculously bad is that whenever you fall into a hole, it's difficult to escape, getting stuck at ridiculous things with most noticeable next to the hole and on the grass, and getting caught by the enemy, which ends up in the cage that not locked at all. Also, wanna hear a fact? This game was responsible for the North American video game crash of 1983!
- Ninjabread Man
- Man, this game has frustrating controls is that you got motion controls with a Wii remote, especially when it comes with combat, camera, and jumping. Also, when you finished a game, you get nothing! Literally That means no modes are unlocked, no cutscenes, and not even a single image.
- Bubsy 3D
- Look at the graphics, it's hideous! Look at them right now! ( Also, the level designs are dreadful is that it's buggy and the arrows are leading you the wrong way. Also also, Bubsy is even more annoying than usual with Lani Minella voicing him, and that's just gratting to my ears! Also also also, the enemies are hard to defeat is that when you attempt to jump on them just like Mario, you get killed.
- Superman 64
- You have to fly through the rings with notorious controls, which frustrates you. Also, you must finish the ring level faster, otherwise you'll be wasting time with the unforgiving time limit, especially when it comes with the maze level. If you run out, you have to start over again.
- Rogue Warrior (especially the PC Port)
- This game crashes for everything such as getting killed by a grenade in an accident, finishing a killing animation, climbing up a ladder, reloading a weapon or even right after a level begins. There are other ports of this game out there such as Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Unfortunately, they're gone! Also, when an enemy gets killed, the other enemies never heard their screams, nor look at who is the killer of the enemies. Man these guys are so stupid that even a dodo is smarter than those oblivious morons. Also also, the protagonist Demo Dick swears with profanity all the time that it makes Cid Highwind look pleasant than him.
- Shaq Fu (SNES)
- Let's make a fighting game similar to Street Fighter, but with dull sound effects, horrible opponent AI, dreadful soundtrack, horrible concept, lack of character variety, and especially frustrating controls. Also this game takes place Japan when Kung Fu is Chinese. That's just ridiculous.
There you have it you guys, I showed you worse games than the Fire Emblem franchise! Also, I disabled the comments, because I don't want to hear those hateful comments on the Fire Emblem franchise from those rabid hatebrats such as "But I like that game that you said is worse than Fire Emblem", "Fire Emblem sucks ass more than the games you hate!", "Fire Emblem NEVER deserves love and attention", "OMG HOW DARE YOU MENTION MY FAVORITE GAME THAT IS WORSE THAN THE FIRE EMBLEM FRANCHISE!!!", etc.
UPDATE: I decided to enable comments for you to comment, as long as not only IF you are civil and tame, but also, get that there are worse games out there.
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Fortnite is not a bad game. Maybe many of the players are little kids. Bust still a good game.
Also Among us is one of the most popular games of the 2020's so far.