Uhh... Well hi Deviants!!Welcometo my profile you can see I enjoy anime and draw it myself!I love to see people follow their dreams Because, mostly everyone has a dream!!! I draw, listen to music, write many stories and poetry, and I like animals! There's sooo much I like to do I will be nice, thoughtful, stubborn, but never harsh!^-^
Current Residence: (stares into space)and that's where I'm at in the USA.
Favourite genre of music: All
Favourite style of art: Still life and anime(mainly mangas)
MP3 player of choice: Android phone?
Favourite cartoon character: That mouse wit tha round ears!(Micky
Personal Quote: "Desire for the reflection in the mirror, to be more than a past and future echo, it will be the present" Basically, who you see when you imagine yourself.