Pokemon Quest: Emily Cooper (Bio)
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Literature Text
Name: Emily Cooper
Age: 10 (Kanto to Sinnoh) > 11 (Unova to Galar) > 12 (Paldea)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Ginger
Current Hometown: Pallet Town
Previous Hometown: Lavender Town
Region: Kanto
Trainer Class: Colosseum Master & Fossil Scientist
Voice Actor English: Lauren Kammerling
Goal: To be a Master of the Pokemon Colosseum & a Fossil Scientist like her Mother.
Taking Care of Pokémon
Travel with Friends
To be Cute & Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Dresses
Her Long Hair
Long Skirts
Mary Jane Shoes with White Socks
Having a Beautiful Sleep
Being with Will Brennan
Rude & Selfish People
Evil Villains & Pokémon
Giving Up
Bad Things Happened
Any Troubles
Arguments & Fighting
Being all alone in Spooky Forest, Caves and Haunted Houses & Mansions, but only when she gets lost
Seeing his Family, Friends or Pokémon getting Hurt Badly
Losing Things
Girls flirting with Will Brennan
(Emily's Outfit 1 for Kanto to Hoenn)
Emily has an Green Eyes & Has her Long Beautiful Ginger Hair & She's even the same size as Serena, May, Kairi, Rosa, Jessica, Lillie & Lana. Also in Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto & Hoenn Emily's Original Outfit that she's wearing are White undershirt & Black Jacket, Long Blue Skirt, White Socks, Mary Janes Shoes & also a Key Stone Necklace given by her Father, Oliver.
(Emily's Outfit 2 for Sinnoh)
In Kanto for Battle Frontier to Sinnoh, Emily wears a Black Shirt & A Blue Jacket, but with the Same Long Blue Skirt, White Socks & Mary Janes Shoes cause They are her favourite Long Skirt & Shoes, So She would looks so Cute & Beautiful. Emily still has her Key Stone Necklace that was given by her Father, Oliver.
(Emily's Outfit 3 for Unova & Kalos)
In Unova to Kalos, Emily wears a Black Undershirt & a Green Jacket but with the Same Long Blue Skirt, White Socks & Mary Janes Shoes cause They are her favourite Long Skirt & Shoes, So She would looks so Cute & Beautiful. Emily still has her Key Stone Necklace that was given by her Father, Oliver.
(Emiily's Outfit 4 for Alola)
In Alola, Emily wears a Black Bra & a Green Jacket with White Stripes But No Shirt cause, She also wears a Long Black Skirt cause Long Skirts are her Favourite to wear, but she still wears her White Socks & also wearing a Mary Jane Flat Shoes cause They still her favourite Mary Jane Shoes, but she sometimes wears Flip Flops when she's at the Beach, Prof.Kukui's House & somewhere in Alola Region to relax. Emily still has her Key Stone Necklace that was given by her Father, Oliver, but She also has a Z-Ring given by Tapu-Koko & a Eevium Z that She & her Eevee won in the Eevee Festival at Hau'oli City
(Emily: Outfit 5 for Galar)
In a Galar, Emily wears a White Shirt with a Blue Jacket, She also wears a Long Black Skirt cause Long Skirts are her Favourite to wear, but she still wears her White Socks & Mary Jane Shoes cause They still her favourite Shoes. Emily still has her Key Stone Necklace that was given by her Father, Oliver, but She also has Dyanamax from Prof.Magnolia that she was been given in her Lab for her Vivi the Eevee to become a Giganatmax Eevee.
(Emily: Outfit 6 for Gen 9)
In Paldea for a New Region, Emily wears a Eevee Shirt with a Long Eevee Skirt cause Long Skirts are her Favourite to wear, but she still wears her Mary Jane Shoes with White Socks cause They still her favourite Shoes to wear. Also her Outfit is like a Eevee set cause Eevee is Emily's Favourite Cute Pokemon including her little Sister, Vivi the Eevee. Emily still has her Key Stone Necklace that was given by her father, Oliver, but She also has Dynamax Band from Prof.Magnolia that she was been given in her Lab for her Vivi the Eevee to become a Giganatmax Eevee.
Emily Cooper is a Girl from Larvander Town in Kanto and was Very Cute and Very-Kind Beautiful Girl, but She sometimes can be short tempered when bad and silly things happened. Emily is the Colosseum Trainer & also the Daughter of the Fossil Researchers, Alice & Oliver, She enjoy travelling in every Region along with her Pokemon & Friends including her Boyfriend who is the Son of the Kanto Champion, Will Brennan.
Emily is very kind to all kinds of Pokemon especially Her Pokemons She treat her Pokemon like as her "Friends", as her "Family" and sometime as her "premium brand" that She fights alongside with them. She want to give them happiness that She really care about it.
She can be a bit sad sometimes, only when she misses someone she loves like her Mother, Alice who passed away especially when she lost in Pokemon Colosseum and other battles, but does her best to win and doing for someone she loves.
Emily doesn't like when her Family and her Friends including Pokemon has a fight & argue each other when something bad, silly or crazy happens especially she sometimes didn't like when her Boyfriend, Will get very angry about something that he was overeating especially he get angry & blames with someone and their Pokemon for something has happened, but when she tells Will off about something that he shouldn't done, he realise that Emily was right and had to accepted her words cause Will didn't want Emily to be very cross or worried too much like he first argued with her so badly about Team Rocket in Kanto and always make a promise to be kind and look after her for Emily's Family and made Emily happy.
When She sees that Will wants to Friends with many Kinds of Pokemon, She wanted to do the same thing as Will does, So She & Will both make new Friends together & Battle & Train together while on their Journey together in every regions. Emily sees that Will shows a lot of sympathy towards Pokémon, usually helping and befriending Pokémon he meets on his long journey sometimes, Emily wants to share that with him.
Emily Cooper was Born in Lavender Town Pallet Town at Kanto Region & Has her Parents Name Alice & Oliver who is a Fossil Scientists & Her Grandmother named Beth including a Pokémon, Eevee as Vivi & Matilda the Female Charizard.
When She's 7 Years Old, She watches the Colosseum Battles & starts to like it. she always wanted to be a Colosseum Master one day & her Mother, Alice can see that this might be her Dream & was very Proud of her even her Father, Oliver too.
One Day, Emily and her Family, Alice, Oliver and Beth Cooper were out for a picnic till Emily wonders off a bit too far in the forest cause she really loves to some wild Pokemon and Emily was amazed to see them.
As Emily was playing, she first saw a Mythical Pokemon that she never seen before called Mew and she was so amazed to see it and thinks it's so cute till Mew flies off and Emily chases after it cause she wanted to say hello and be friends with it.
But she was heading for trouble, cause there is a waterfall ahead and Emily was too busy looking at Mew while chasing it and she didn't watch that she was going. Until suddenly she ran over the waterfall and screams while falling till her family heard Emily's scream and realise that she was in trouble and rushes over to find her.
As Emily was falling, she suddenly fainted and prepares herself to splash into the water below, till Mew quickly used Psychic to save Emily and puts in the grass close to the river.
Emily opens her eyes a bit and see Mew was close to her and smiles till she closed her eyes and passed out. Mew used it's power to heal Emily in case she was injured till it heard her mother's voice and flies off.
As Mew left, Emily's family had finally found her and sees if she was alright till Emily opened her eyes and already telling her Parents and her grandmother all about Mew that she saw and her family was surprised till they told her not to go wonder off too far again, before they head back to their picnic cause it was lunch time.
A Few Weeks Later, Emily & her Mother went to Pallet Town to visit Professor Oak at his Lab cause He & Alice were researching about the Fossil of the Aerodactyl & Prof.Oak said that Emily is allow to go see many Pokémon around the Laboratory's Oak Corral & Told that Someone else is coming to visit with a Boy & Emily was excited.
So Emily went around the Corral & sees many Pokémon & thinks they are Cute, So She runs around & Playing with Pokémon, Few Minutes Later, She came to the Lake & sat on the Grass watching lots of Water Type Pokémon swimming & Splashing, But when Emily see many Butterfrees, She watches them flying in the Sky.
20 Minutes later, Emily saw a Boy named Will Brennan who just arrived at Prof.Oak's Lab, looking at some Water Type Pokemon. Emily was excited to meet him till she thought an Idea where she was about to lie on the Grass and pretending to be asleep in stiff, till Will turns left and sees Emily's asleep & tries to wake her up to see if she's alright. When she opened her Eyes, She sees that Will looks so Handsome & has same Colour Hair & the Eyes as Emily has, Will was relieved that Emily's Alright & was worried, till She blushes.
After that, Will & Emily introduced themselves & a Chat together till They started to Played together & see many more Pokémon together until soon they become Good Friends. Then They went into the Forest to find some more Pokémon, but they walked a bit too far from the Laboratory's Oak Corral until Will & Emily came across another Lake to more Water Type Pokémon. But then a Gyarados jumps out of the Water and Roars at Will and Emily till they run off Panic. While they were running, they came across the Hill and ends up falling and rolling down to the Bottom of the Hill.
When Will woke up first, he rushes over to Emily if she's alright till she woke up and can see that Emily's hurt her right Leg & Will tries to help her, but They seems to be a bit too Far from Oak Corral, Emily was sad cause She's thinks it's her Fault that She toke Will to the Forest a bit too far from the Lab, But Will don't accept it cause He knows that Emily just wanted to Play with New Friends & then Emily started to Cry cause her right leg is hurt badly & She was very worried if She & Will would never get back to the Lab.
But Will tries to cheer her up & was looking after her while trying to help. Emily thinks Will was so sweet & had another nice chat about their life. But then, A Mystical Pokémon, Mew appeared from the Lake & approaches to Will and Emily. They were so amazed & Mew can see that Emily's Right Leg was hurt & started to heal her Leg. After that, Emily tries to get up slowly & she was amazed that she can walk again & so was Will. They thanked Mew for all it's help & then Mew flews away & disappeared, leaving Will & Emily while they were telling it to come back. After Mew's gone, Will and Emily was about to find their way back to Prof.Oak's Lab and while they were walking back, Emily hold on to Will's Left Arm and smiles with a Blush causing Will to blush and feels embarrassed but smiles at Emily a bit.
When they made it back to the Lab, their Family was so worried about Will & Emily before they told that they are fine & told all about Mew, causing Their Family in a surprise to hear of what Will & Emily said, until before it was Dinner time, They had a lovely Dinner at Prof.Oak's Lab.
When the Sun is setting, it was time to for Alice & Emily to go home to Larvender Town, Emily was sad to say Goodbye to Will, but he had an Idea like when We became Trainers, They would see each other again & might travel together someday. Emily thinks it's a Great Idea & made her feel better & when Emily & her Mother was about to leave, Emily wanted to say her last thing, She gave Will a Kiss on his Cheek to say Thank You before she left back home with her Mother.
On their way home, Emily and Alice had found a Egg that was dropped out of the Van owned by Team Rocket that they have stolen some Eggs for the Farm & was delivered to Team Rocket's Headquarters. Emily and Alice wonders where did it come from and Alice decides that she and Emily bring it back home and take good care of it till it hatch. Emily was amazed and loves to see a Pokemon to hatch and see what kind of Pokemon it is. So they toke the Egg back to their House at Lavander Town & showed their Family of what Emily and Alice found.
Few Days Later, The Egg was about to Hatch & it hatched into a Eevee with a Heart Shape on it's Tail, which make Eevee a Female, Emily was so amazed & thinks it's so Cute, Eevee looks & sniffs at Emily & starts to like her before started to Play with Emily. Her Family was so happy for them & thinks it's so Cute too till her Parents decides to let Emily keep Eevee as long as She takes go care of Eevee cause she thought that Emily would travel with Eevee together in her Pokémon Journey. Emily thinks it's an Great Idea & was so Happy & accept to keep Eevee as a Family & She decided to nickname her Eevee, "Vivi" and made Vivi as Emily's little Sister.
1 Year Later, before Emily became 8 Years Old, She and her Family including her Vivi the Eevee were at Pokemon Caravan Park in Johto for their Holiday Trip and was staying for 3 Days. But One Day in Day 2, Emily and her Vivi were playing outside the Caravan till her Mother called Emily to come in for a sec and Emily went inside. while Vivi was waiting, she heard a sound coming from the other Caravan next time and wanders to see what it was, until Vivi can see a girl named Serena was drawing a picture with her Crayons. Vivi went a bit closer till Serena can see her and starts to get nervous, but Vivi shows Serena that she doesn't mean no harm cause she want to say hello. So Serena walks a bit closer and raises her Hand to stroke Vivi till she touches her and can see Vivi the Eevee is so cute and wanders where she comes from.
When Emily came out of the Caravan, she wonders where Vivi gone off to and looks around, until she can see Vivi was been stroke by Serena. Emily was surprise and smiles at them, till she went over to say Hello to Serena and introduced herself while Serena silently muttered out her name before they had a bit of a Chat. Then Emily remembers there's a Playground nearby and she grabs Serena by the arm and pulled her into the Playground. When they arrived, Emily thought if Serena wants to play with her Vivi the Eevee till Serena wasn't sure at first till she accepted and fun together, Playing on Seesaw, The Swing, The Slide and The Climb.
While Playing, Emily and Serena had a chat again and tells all about themselves like Serena is from Kalos Region and she and her Mother, Grace had came to Pokemon Caravan Holiday Trip, 2 Days ago and was been here in 3 Days. Emily was surprise and told she came here yesterday for her Holiday aswell and she's also from Lavender Town in Kanto. Serena was amazed till she can see something that Emily reminds her about someone like Ash that she first met at Prof.Oak's Summer Camp and told Emily all about it, Emily was so amazed and thinks it's so sweet till it remind Emily aswell about someone that she met at Prof.Oak's Lab in Pallet Town like Will Brennan and told Serena about it aswell.
After that, They head back to the Caravan till Emily's Family calls to her that they going to the Beach while Grace tells Serena that they should go to the Beach aswell, till Emily and Serena asks if they can go to the Beach together cause they want to play again till they don't say why not. So in the Beach, Emily and Serena with Vivi the Eevee were playing Beachball, then building Sandcastles, then went Swimming together and became Best Friends.
Next Day, Emily can see Serena and her Mother were leaving Caravan and heading back home to Kalos Region, Emily and Serena were very upset at first to say Goodbye to each other till Emily thought maybe someday, if their old enough, they would see each other again and might travel together someday for their Pokemon Adventures causing Serena to feel better and agree that Idea. When Serena and Grace left, Emily was still a bit sad to say goodbye to her New Friend, but she was happy that she's still her Vivi the Eevee beside her.
(Original Series)
2 Years Later, when Emily is now 10 Years Old, She & her Vivi saw a Charmander as a Female was been attacked by a bunch of Beedrills & They had to save her. After Vivi used Swift on Beedrill before they flies away, Emily checks to see if Charmander's alright & can see that She was hurt badly. So She toke her to the Pokémon Center, so Nurse Joy can cure it.
1 Hour Later, Nurse Joy told Emily that Charmander is fine, She went to see it & Charmander was fully recovered. After that, Emily & Vivi went for a walk with Charmander, plays with her & also feed Charmander cause Emily didn't want her to be afraid & hate Humans till Charmander wasn't afraid & started to like Emily cause She saving Charmander's life from Beedrill & was only trying to help & look after her.
Then Emily was thinking if a Charmander would like to come live with her & her Family before going on a Pokémon Journey with them cause She thought it would be so fun & Charmander accepted it. So Emily used her Pokeball to catch Charmander & caught it, so She has two Pokémon in her Team & in the Family too, till Emily also decide to Nickname a Female Charmander, "Matilda".
5 Months Later, Emily's Mother, Alice became Ill & was not feeling well for 2 Weeks, but until the Doctor told Oliver that She isn't going to make it, So when Emily, her Family and her Pokémon Vivi & Matilda came to see Alice in her Room, She said some few Last Words to Emily that she wants her to go on her Journey to become a Colosseum Master cause Alice knows that Emily is ready & told her to be Strong on her Adventures cause She will have her Pokémon including Vivi the Eevee on her Side & Emily did accept it, until She Passed away & Emily cried so hard.
Few Days Later after the Funeral, Emily decide to go on her Adventure & do the Colosseum Battles, When She packing her Stiff, her Grandmother, Beth sees her packing & Emily was to explain till Beth before her Father, Oliver helped her packing cause They know that Emily is now ready. When She was ready to go, Oliver gives a Key Stone to Emily for Matilda when She becomes a Charizard someday cause it was a Surprise & She told Emily that She will find out soon enough, So Emily sets off in Kanto Region to become a New Colosseum Master.
One Day in Route 1 at Kanto, Emily was training her Vivi & Matilda for their 1st Colosseum & when Matilda used Ember & Vivi dodges it, She accidently hit Scyther behind the Bushes that Emily & her Pokémon didn't know Scyther was there. Scyther got very angry & started to attack Emily & her Pokémon till they started to run, until They came across the Top of the Waterfall.
Emily & her Pokémon were trapped & Scyther has them now, till Emily was thinking to jump into the River to escape & She had no choice, so She recalled Matilda into her Pokeball & picks up Vivi to hold up & then She & Vivi jumps in the River below to escape from Scyther & Splashed.
After that, Emily had passed out & been castaway in the River while Vivi was helping her, until Vivi managed to pull her so hard out of the River into the River Bank, but Emily was unconscious & Vivi went for help, until she found a Boy with his Charmander that was catching a Male Nidoran named Will Brennan, who is the Son of the Kanto Champion, John Brennan & when Will finally caught it, Vivi asked them for help & leads them to Emily.
When They found her that was unconscious, Will pulls her out of the River Bank & tries to help & wake her up to see She's Alright. When Emily finally woke up, She was Shocked & was a bit Scared & Shy, but Will told Emily that it's ok cause she's safe, till Will said to Emily if she recognised him before, Emily looked at his Face, She was very surprised & was so Happy to see Will again.
When Will tries to help her, They had a nice Chat & she told him about what happened until an Angry Scyther appears out of nowhere & started attacks Emily & her Pokémon cause it was still searching for it's Revenge for scaring it but in the Forest, till Will's Charmander hits it with it's Ember & Will & the Others escape & ran for their life. While Running, Scyther hits Emily with it's Air Slash & She collapsed on the Ground & hurt her Right Leg.
So Will had a battle against Scyther to protect Emily & While battling it hit Charmander so hard, causing Will in shock & Emily, Vivi including Matilda saw in Horror cause Will's Charmander got hit pretty bad cause Scyther was so Strong, Until Will remembered of what her Grandmother said about believe in Pokémon till Will encourage his Charmander, Before Charmander used Flamethrower with Full Power & Scyther Panics & Flies away.
After Scyther was gone, They cheered so loud till Will came to Emily to see if She's Alright till Emily hold his Cheeks & Kissed him while saying Thank you, until they saw a Ho-Oh were flying in the Sky over the Rainbow till Will toke Emily while carrying her to the Pokémon Center at Viridian City & & Emily fell unconsciously to sleep cause She was hurt.
Few Mintues later, In the Pokémon Center at Viridan City, Emily's Right Arm was healed, Will asks Emily to join him in his travels cause he thought it would be Fun to Travel with New Friends of People & Pokémon, she puts a hands over her heart and smiles before winking at him and accepting the invitation.
At some other time, She got some Medals from each Colosseum, her Matilda the Female Charmander evolved into Charmeleon & then Later into Charizard in the Colosseum Festival at Indigo Plateau, She also caught a Caterpie in Viridian Forest before evolved into Metapod & then into Butterfree, then She caught at Mt.Moon, then a Sandshrew as a Male till evolved into Sandslash & then a Staryu while fishing at Vermillion City till Evolved into Starmie by using a Water Stone.
And while Emily & Will were having to Fuchsia City, They became Couples for their Relationship together & like Emily's Matilda the Female Charmeleon Will's Male Charmeleon did & when after Emily became a New Colosseum Master at Indigo Plateau before Will became a New Champion of Kanto, She became more Beautiful & Popular than ever & continues on her Adventure with Will to the Other Regions by starting Johto next.
After stopping Team Rocket taking over Kanto & Johto Region, The World was saved but Will lost Mewtwo after he sacrifice himself to stop Giovanni, until The Ghost of Emily's Mother, Alice including Will's Parents & Mewtwo arrived & wanted to apologue for everything, but Emily & Will already forgive them cause They know Everything now & when after Will's Father asks his Sons if Will and Luke can also save the Other Regions from Danger & the Boys accepted it. As for Emily's Mother, Alice, she asked Emily if she would do the same with Will & her Friends and Emily accept it cause She want to make her Mother for winning the Colosseum & be with Will forever & ever cause She loves him so much. After that The Family had disappeared back to Heaven & The Heroes had a Celebrate for saving Kanto & Johto Region.
After that, Will & Emily including Friends goes separate ways while Emily heads back to Lavender Town & Will heads back to Pallet Town, But Next Day, Emily & her Family had moved to Pallet Town for their new Home & Both Emily & Will were so happy that they were together again & while they were spending time together in Pallet Town, they made a Promise to each other that they will save the World together, Working Together, Look after each other & they will do this for Emily's Mother including for Will's Parents & Twin Brother who Passed Away before Their New Adventure at Hoenn Region begins, while Luke heads to Orre Region.
(Advanced Generation Series)
After hearing about a distant region called Hoenn from Harrison, the opponent he lost to in the Silver Conference, Will decided to journey there along with Emily cause they made a Promise they made. In Hoenn, Will & Emily met a girl named May and her brother, Max, who they later learned were Norman's (the Petalburg City Gym Leader) children, and both of whom decided to join Will & Emily on his travels.
Shortly after the Four Companions left Petalburg City, Ash Ketchum & Brock re-joined the group when he saved them from a flock of angry Taillow and their leader. From that point onward, Will journeyed through Hoenn with his Girlfriend, two old friends and two new friends, collecting Gym Badges in much the same fashion as before. Once May set her sights on becoming a Top Coordinator, Will including Ash supported her whenever they could while maintaining his focus on winning Badges. During these journeys, Ash and his friends ended up being entwined in the plots of the region's two rivaling villainous teams, Team Aqua and Team Magma, with Ash's Pikachu actually getting possessed by Groudon in the summit of their conflict. Thanks to Team Rocket's (unintentional) help, they helped save the entire Hoenn region.
After Will & Ash lost & Brendan Won the Ever Grande Conference & Heroes goes Parted Way, Emily, Will & Ash returned to Pallet Town. As they passed through Viridian City on their way back home, they met Scott and Agatha and learned about the Battle Frontier in Kanto. Will & Ash decided to take on the Battle Frontier and was surprised but happy to learn that Brock, May, and Max would join him on this adventure as well, but Will ask if Brendan would like to come on Their Adventure for Battle Frontier & Brendan accepted it. Eventually, Will, Ash & Brendan conquered the seven Frontier Brains and was offered the opportunity to become a Frontier Brain himself, but declined in favor of continuing his Pokémon journey.
(Diamond & Pearl Series)
Following Will's Victory including Ash & Brendan's Victory over the Battle Frontier, May set her sights on Pokémon Contests in the Johto region and travelled there while Max returned home to Petalburg City in Hoenn & Brendan travelled to Orange Islands. After encountering and battling Will & Ash's old rival, Gary (who has now become a Pokémon researcher), and learning of a new region with new Pokémon, After said Goodbye to Ash for now, Will & Emily decided to leave for the Sinnoh region to earn the Gym Badges available there & Emily can be able to do Colosseum like She did for Kanto, Johto and Hoenn.
While heading there, Emily & Will were been captured by Hunter J & been taken to her Ship, cause She heard that Will was the Son of John Brennan & was his Enemy. But after Will & Emily manage to escape from Hunter J's Ship with Will's Charizard & Emily's Matilda the Female Charizard while We were heading to Sinnoh for our New Adventure, We Lost Emily's Pokémon, Vivi the Eevee cause She falls off Matilda & fell down into the River cause Hunter J's Salamence nearly blasted Matilda with it's Hyper Beam.
When Emily & Will was looking for Vivi, They found her with New Trainers, Sora, Kairi & Riku who found Vivi while She was looking for Emily & Will till They been Attacked by Hunter J & the Heroes worked together to stop her. After that, Will & Emily travelling in Sinnoh Together along with their New Companions, Sora, the Son of the Sinnoh Champion, Kairi, who is a Coordinator & Riku who is doing a Colosseum like Emily's doing.
(Black & White Series)
After the Sinnoh Region, Emily & Will including Ash travelled with Professor Oak, Jane (Will's Auntie) & Delia Ketchum (Ash's Mother) on a trip to the Unova region. After Ash losing in a battle to Trip and seeing the power of the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, Ash became interested in traveling Unova to meet new Pokémon, as well as new friends. In Unova, he brought along only his Pikachu as he did in Hoenn & for Will, he became interested in traveling Unova to meet new Pokémon, as well as new friends. In Unova.
And When Ash left to Striaton City for his 1st Badge, Will & Emily heard that there's a New Gym Leader Named Cheren at Aspertia City & Will decide to head there with Emily to meet Him & Emily also heard that there's a Colosseum Match in Unova & She plans to do that too. In Aspertia City, Will & Emily meet Nate who was also doing a Gym Battle, his Sister, Rosa, who is a Pokémon Perfomer & Their Friend, Mike, who dreams to become a Pokémon Professor like Prof.Juniper. When Ash & Nate won their 1st Badge, Will & Emily asked if They would like to make travelling in Unova with them & Nate, Rosa & Mike accepted it.
(XY Series)
After travelling in Unova, Will & Emily along with Ash travelled to the Kalos region with Alexa, first visiting Lumiose City, where They parted ways with the journalist and tried to challenge the Lumiose Gym at Prism Tower. Will & Ash was forcibly ejected from the tower when the computerized security system, later revealed to be the Clembot, found out that They didn't have any Kalos Badges. They was rescued by Clemont and Bonnie.
Ash brought an injured Froakie & Will brought a Tyrunt to Professor Sycamore, who told Will, Emily & Ash about an additional stage of Pokémon evolution he was researching called Mega Evolution. Assisted by Pikachu and Froakie, Will, Emily & Ash tries to save & calmed down an angry Garchomp that was been attacked by the Monsters like the The Elite Beasts in Lumiose City. Will, Emily & Ash saw a Mega Evolved Pokémon for the first time when a Mega Blaziken saved Ash and Pikachu from falling off of Prism Tower. Froakie then allowed itself to be captured by Ash & Tyrunt wanted to come with Will cause it likes Will before he catches it, and Clemont and Bonnie started to travel with Will, Emily & Ash.
Will, Ash & Calem won his first Kalos Badge, the Bug Badge, after defeating the Santalune Gym Leader, Viola.
The group was joined by Serena, who still remembered Ash rescuing her in her childhood and decided to start her own journey to reunite with him, although he initially did not remember the two of them meeting, And Calem joined with them too. Will, Emily, Ash, Serena & Calem learn that Clemont was actually the Lumiose Gym Leader, who was exiled from his own Gym by his own invention. They help Clemont face Clembot, and after the issue was resolved, the two boys promised to battle after Ash fulfilled the original conditions set by Clembot (even if it was no longer necessary), to earn four Badges. With that, the group set off on their journey again.
(Sun & Moon Series)
After the Kalos Region, Will & Emily along with Ash traveled with Will's Family, Jane, Maureen Luke with Tyra, Emily's Family, Oliver & Beth including Delia to the Alola region after Mimey won the trip via lottery. It was shown that Will, Emily & Ash gave his Kalos Pokémon to Professor Oak, who gave them and their each Family a Pokémon Egg to deliver to his cousin Samson.
While on Melemele Island, Will, Emily & Ash stumbled upon the Pokémon School, where he met Elio, Selene, Jessica, Lillie, Lana, Mallow, Kiawe, Sophocles, Samson, and Professor Kukui and learned about Z-Rings and Z-Moves. Later on, They met Tapu Koko, the guardian of Melemele Island, who gave Emily & Will, a Z-Ring & given Ash a Z-Ring and an Electrium Z. With these discoveries, They decided to remain in Alola to study at the school and learn more about Z-Moves, living with Professor Kukui.
In The Guardian's Challenge!, Tapu Koko challenged Ash and Pikachu to a battle. Ash's Electrium Z broke after Ash and Pikachu used the Z-Move Gigavolt Havoc on Tapu Koko. Ash including Will then decided to take on the island challenge to obtain new Z-Crystals and prove their worth before Emily want to try it too.
In The Love Promise, where Emily & Will were spending time together on Treasure Island near Melemele Island, Will told her since his dream to become a Champion like his father caue it's his goal, but Will's other goal was Emily like Ash was Serena's Goal, cause She's the best thing that's ever happened to him during their adventures and he know that Will is Emily's goal as well. Emily was very surprised & was so happy with her blush.
(Sword & Shield Series)
After Will and Emily had left Alola Region, They fly off to Galar Region to meet Prof.Magnolia at her Lab in Wedgehurst cause she wanted to meet Will who is the Son of John Brennan and Emily aswell who's the daughter of Fossil Researcher, Alice and Oliver.
When Will and Emily can see the Galar Region, the lights inside the plane suddenly go out. As a stewardess tries to keep the passengers calm, Will, Emily and her Vivi the Eevee look out the window, sensing something coming closer. And soon enough, They can see a giant Pokémon called Eternatus flies past the plane, its form obscured by the clouds. As Eternatus flies away and its silhouette disappears from view, the lights turn back on and the Passengers including Will and Emily was relieved, but they wondered of what Pokemon was it and thinks it could be Galar's Legendary Pokemon and Will believes that they might see it again, so he and Emily will know what it was.
After that. Will and Emily had finally arrived in Galar Region and landed in Wyndon Aiport Station in the City called Wyndon. But Will and Emily came out of the Plane, they can see Sonia, who is the Granddaughter of Prof.Magnolia and was waiting for them.
As Sonia shows Will and Emily around Wyndon first, they were so amazed, until Will can see that some Kids was been picked on by bond of Rock Star Grunts called Team Yell. Will rushes over to stop Team Yell and battles them, but when he was surrounded by Lots of Team Yell Grunts, Leon the Galar Champion appears out of nowhere and helps Will out.
After Team Yell was gone, Will and Emily was surprise to see Leon who is the Galar Champion and is the Childhood Friend of Sonia including friends with Will's Parents. While walking, Leon knows Will cause he heard stories about him and he always want to meet him and also wants to know how strong Will and his Pokemon are, till Will decides if he can have a Battle with Leon, till he accepted Will's Challenge.
While Will and Leon battles with both Charizards, Will mega evolved his Charizard into Mega-Charizard X and Leon used his Dynamax to make his Charizard into a Gigantamax Charizard. Will and Emily couldn't believe their Eyes and was amazed till before Will lost the Battle against Leon.
After saying Goodbye to Leon and left Wyndon on the Train, they arrived in Wedgehurst with Sonia to meet Prof.Magnolia, but when they arrived in the Lab, they realise that Prof.Magnolia was at her House in Route 2 and rushes over there.
When Will and Emily arrives at Prof.Magnolia's House in Route 2, Prof.Magnolia was so happy to meet Will and Emily for the 1st time and gives both Couples both Dynamax for Will's Chairzard and Emily's Vivi the Eevee.
When Will and Emily decide to have a Battle outside, they tested to see if Dynamax works and it did cause it made Will's Charizard into Giganatamax Charizard and Emily's Vivi the Eevee into Gigantamax Eevee till before Will won the Battle.
When after Will and Emily caught their new Pokemon, A Male and Female Toxel, they had back to Wedgehurst, they heard a Lullaby Song and it was coming from a Lake and they can see a Beautiful Girl name, Ellie is a Princess of Galar and was singing a Lullaby Song to a Wild Drednaw. Until Vivi the Eevee sneezed and made Ellie stop singing and fainted till Drendaw snaps out of it and attack Ellie till Will and Emily saves Ellie.
After Drednaw's Gone, Will and Emily came to help Ellie till later, she woke up and wonders what happened till Will and Emily explained. While Will, Emily and Ellie had a nice Chat, Ellie heard a Voice from Slumbering Weald and rushes over till Will and Emily chases after her. In Slumbering Weald, Will, Emily and Ellie wanders into Woods with a Mist till they saw Two Legendries, Zacian and Zamazenta before Will starts to battle, but until They covered the Mist and made Will, Emily and Ellie passed out.
After that, Sonia found them unconscious till they woke up and told what happened. while they were heading back Wedgehurst, they can see a Drednaw just become a Dynamax Drednaw and was rampage in Wedgehurst and Postwick. Will, Emily and Ellie can see that it was the same Drednaw that they saw before till they came to stop it and when Will manages to beat Drednaw, he decide to catch Drednaw. After Dynamax Madness, Will and Emily learned that there's a Gym Battles and Colosseum is in Galar for Will and Emily to enter, till they decide to travel in Galar for New Adventures and asks if Ellie likes to come till she accepted.
On the Train to Motostoke, Will, Emily and Ellie was actually on Team Rocket's Train cause it was a Trap and Meryl, General Titan and Agent Dennis with Pokemon Cobras had came to see Will and Emily for something important, till They throwed Will, Emily and Ellie out the Bridge into the River.
In the Wild Area, Will, Emily and Ellie had woke up and met Three New Trainers, Gloria, Trent and DJ for the first time and while everyone chats, they decide to travel in Galar Region together and their New Adventure Begins.
(Scarlet and Violet Series)
1 Year has passed, since the Galar Region, Will as the Kanto Champion and Emily as the Kanto's Colosseum Master were at the Pokemon Tag Battle Tournament in Kanto and won, till they were spending time together on the Beach.
Then one night, while they were walking along to the Pokemon Center, they saw a School Girl with her Sprigatito, named Liko was been attacked by some members called Explorers that was after the Pendant, Liko wearing. When Liko fainted cause she was hurt and the Explorers was about to take her, Will and Emily rushed over to stop them and save Liko & her Sprigatito before taking them somewhere save and found the Park to rest up for tonight.
By Morning, Liko had woke up and finds herself in the Park and meets Will and Emily for the 1st time and she was surprise to see Will as the Kanto Champion and feeling nervous, but amazed to meet him.
While they were having a chat together and helps Liko to some things about Pokemon and Journeys, She and Emily had a battle together in 1-on-1, till Emily won.
After that, they headed to the Pokemon Center to heal their Pokemon and Liko will remembered that for her journeys. As they were about to move, they spotted by the Explorers and Will & Emily holds them off, so Liko and Sprigatito makes their escape with the Pendant.
While Will and Emily battles with the Explorers, a man named Friede swoops down from the sky on his own Charizard, saying that he also has business with Liko. Amethio decides to settle things with a Pokémon battle, sending out his Ceruledgeto confront Friede's Charizard and telling his comrades to stand back.
As the battle between the two Fire commences, Liko, while thoroughly confused by everything that's going on, keeps on getting away in order to prevent the school from being caught in the crossfire. During her escape, she needs to jump over a gap between rooftops. She gathers her courage and takes the leap of faith, just as a Psycho Cut from Ceruledge misses Charizard and heads towards her. Suddenly, her pendant starts to glow brightly, and she's surrounded by a green, hexagon-patterned sphere of energy, protecting her and suspending her mid-air. When Liko opened her Eyes, she and Sprigatito sees a mysterious Pokemon that she never seen before till the the Green hexagon-patterned sphere of energy disappar and Liko & her Spirgatito was falling. Will and Emily rushed over to save them, but Friede and Charizard managed to save them and toke Liko along with Will and Emily to his Airship to meet up with the other members called... "Rising Volt Tacklers"
As Will, Emily & Liko meets the Members for the 1st time, Will learned that Friede & others was friends with Will's Parents, years ago and Will was surprise. Then the Explorers arrived for Liko with the Pendent she's wearing, they tried to stop them till Liko & Sprigatito was going to finish them off together till Sprigatito was been taken away and the Heroes will do anything to get her Grass Type Starter back.
When they saved Liko's Sprigatito and stopped the Explorers, Will, Emily & Liko were having their photo taken together with Rising Volt Tacklers till Will and Emily leaves the Members, while Liko stays with Friede and the others, but promised that they will meet again no matter what.
After that and when they were on their way to Pallet Town, Emily got a called from her Father, Oliver and told them that they got a surprise vistor from Paldea Region and they are waiting for them at Professor Oak's Lab.
So as Will and Emily were on their way back, they arrived at the Front Entrance that Oliver and Tracey were waiting for them and when they went inside the Lab, they can see Emily's Aunite named Claire and her daughter, Megan (Emily's Cousin) along with Professor Sada where she wanted to meet Will and explained to him about the Terastal Phenomenon that he and Emily had never heard before and it can work on his Charizard and Emily's Vivi and Matilda too.
Professor Sada also asked Will and Emily, if they wouldn't mind come to Paldea Region with them and heads to the Naranja/Uva Academy to meet Clavell and Henry (Claire's Husband + Prof.Sada & Turo's Assistant), so they can give Will and Emily, the Tera for Charizard, Matilda, Vivi too, before they will go on their journey in Paldea for Will's Gym Battles and Emily's Colosseum Match as their own Treasure Hunt.
Will and Emily accepted it cause they loved to come and they wanted to see Paldea Region that they never been before. So they picked everything they need and said goodbyes to Will's Family, Emily's Family including Professor Oak and Tracey, before they take off with the Helicopter and heads to the Paldea.
As they arrived in Paldea Region, Will and Emily can see out the Window and some Paldea Pokemon that they never seen before and they amazed. When they landed at Naranja/Uva Academy, they met Clavel and Henry who was waiting for them and head a very good chat till they give Will and Emily, of their own Tera and decide to have a Pokemon Battle in Academey's Battlefield, so they can see how the Tera works.
When Will and Emily asks any 2 Students if they like to have a battle against one of them, a Girl named, Juliana who is a New Student and a New Pokemon Trainer has been select to battle and she likes to have a battle with Emily.
As Emily and Juliana battles each other with Emily's Vivi and Juliana's Sprigatito, they used the Terastal Phenomenon on their Pokemon and Vivi's Tera Type is Normal, while Sprigatito's Tera Type is Grass and they were amazed before the battle continues till in the End, Emily and her Vivi had won.
Now it was Will's turn and the other Girl named, Nemona who is serve as the president of the Academy's student council and the Paldea Champion that was been chosen to face Will and he chose his Charizard, while Nemona chose Paldea Tauros and as they were battling each other they used the Terastal Phenomenon on their Pokemon too and Charizard Tera Type is Dragon, while Tauros' Tera Type is Fighting, before the battle continues till in the End, Will and his Charizard had won too.
After Will and Emily had won, a Top Champion named Geeta came and gets to meet Will, who is a Son of John for the 1st time and decided to have a 1-on-1 Battle between Will's Charizard and Geeta's Glimmora, till in the End, Both Pokemon are down are the Match was a draw.
After that, Clavell allows Will and Emily to go their own Treasure Hunt, same as Juliana, Nemona and the whole Students are doing and they set off on their New Journey in Paldea Region along with Megan and Juliana who wanted to come along with them.
//Emily's Family\\
Mother: Alice Cooper - "Deceased"
Father: Oliver Cooper
Auntie: Claire Cooper
Uncle: Henry Cooper
Grandmother 1: Beth Cooper (Oliver's Mother)
Grandmother 2: Mai (Alice and Claire's Mother)
Cousin: Megan Cooper
Alice's Pokémon: Aurorus
Alolan Family: Professor Kukui and Burnet
God-Son: Lei (Prof.Kukui + Burnet's Son)
God-Daughter: Barbara (Prof.Kukui + Burnet's OC Daughter)
Relationship: Will Brennan
//Emily's Friends\\
Will Brennan: (Boyfriend)
Ash Ketchum
Gary Oak
May: (Best Friend)
Kairi: (Best Friend)
Rosa: (Best Friend)
Serena: (Closest Friend)
Bonnie: (Close Friend)
Jessica Pedley
Lillie: (Best Friend)
Ellie (Best Friend)
Chloe Cerise
//Emily's Rivals\\
Team Rocket
Team Magma
Team Aqua
Team Galactic
Team Plasma
Team Flare
Team Skull
Team Yell
Team Star
Hunter J
Evil Malamars
The Elite Beasts (Team Flare's Monster Creations)
The Elemental Droids (Team Rocket's Droid Creations)
//Emily's Pokémon\\
Staraptor: (Normal/Flying Type) + (Female)
//Befriended Pokémon\\
Mew: (Psychic Type) + (No Gender)
Phione: (Water Type) + (No Gender)
Koraidon: (Fight/Dragon Type) + (No Gender)
Miraidon: (Electric/Dragon Type) + (No Gender)
//Emily's Baby Pokémon\\
Egg > Charmander: (Fire Type) + (Male) + (Mother: Emily's Charizard + Father: Will's Charizard)
Egg > Amaura: (Rock/Ice Type) + (Female) + (Mother: Emily's Aurorus) + (Given to Lily Brennan)
Egg > Amaura: (Rock/Ice Type) + (Female) + (Mother: Emily's Aurorus) + (Given to Lucy Brennan)

So I really hope you like it so much!