DAS Coeur d'AcierWildOracle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wildoracle/art/DAS-Coeur-d-Acier-661213572WildOracle

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DAS Coeur d'Acier



Ref: 7-themes.com/data_images/out/5…

 DAS Coeur d'Acier (Heart of Steel)
Stable Name: Steel
Age: 3 years
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15.0 hands
Colour: sooty smoky grullo overo
Genetics: Ee Aa nCr nSty nO nD
Markings: snip, birdcatcher spots, overo
Eyes: blue


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: Törökbasa
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: DAS Vadregény
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: Dubai Arts
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: RF Amargo Secreto
----------------- DS: HS Oro Real
------------------------------------------ DSD: RF Promesa Estrellado
Dam: HS Coeur d'Ivoire
------------------------------------------ DDS: LEC Vale La Pena
----------------- DD: Melodia
------------------------------------------ DDD: CVA Seducir a los Luces

Origin: Spain
Breed: Arabian x Andalusian (50% Andalusian, 40% Arabian, 10% Unknown)

Character: Steel gets a lot of his father's personality : he's a real show-off, proud of himself and with a lot of self confidence. This is what you'll see first of him. But if he likes you, you'll find a more playful and affective stallion. Under saddle, he's focused and a hard worker, working even more harder if mares are around -- time to show who's the best. He enjoy peaceful times with close friends (either human, horse or other animal) too.
Likes: Peppermints and chin scratches.
Dislikes: Strangers, clattering metal sounds.
Discipline: Eventing

Other Images:
DAS Coeur D'Acier
.: DAS Coeur D'Acier :.
Reggie And Foal
.::Baby Blue Eyes::.
DAS Coeur D'Acier - OL REF

Owner: Siranni Marea
Rider: Misty Farrera
Stables: High Tides Stables
Breeding Status: CLOSED


Previous Owner: ChampieB
Image size
3588x2003px 4.19 MB
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slayingallhumans's avatar
OOOh lovely horse!