Out of TimeWildfire-Tama on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wildfire-tama/art/Out-of-Time-578420612Wildfire-Tama

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Out of Time



I've been settling scores
I've been fighting so long
But I've lost your war
And our kingdom is gone
How shall I win back your heart which was mine
I have broken bones and tattered clothes
I've run out of time


Shenandoah races across the cracking ice, desperate to make it to shore because the freezing water claims her, but the shore is far and she doesn't think she will make it.

No context, just a background I got the urge to draw, and I thew Shen in there because I love her. Everything drawn in SAI, most of it several months ago I think. I might redo it sometime and try harder on ice cracking more realistically, but at this point it has been sitting around for so long I just wanted to post it.


I didn't end up doing much of anything today, so I apologize to everyone waiting on me. I will try to catch up on rp starters, uploads, responses, and other notes/comments tomorrow night/Friday.

Shenandoah (c) :iconwildfire-tama:
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© 2015 - 2025 Wildfire-Tama
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