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It’s my first Christmas away from my fam, but luckily I got lots of beloved Christmas movies (and zoom calls) to still make it a happy day! Including the classic Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer from 1964, so I drew this while watching it.
I’ve always loved both of these characters. Rudolph of course, the underdog who saves the day! And then Clarice <33 I mean I always grew up loving the leading ladies. But Clarice especially has a special place with me. Poor Rudolph didn’t ask to be in his situation, but Clarice had a choice, she could have just quietly chilled with everyone else when Rudolph was made a pariah, but she chose to care more about him than she cared about social norms and what others would think. In fact, she isn’t swayed at all by others, she knows what she sees and has the self-confidence to trust herself even if no one else agrees (at first). She’s just such a strong character!
As someone who can be rather impressionable myself, watching this ever year is always a good reminder to me even as an adult that if you choose compassion toward other people you are always in the right, no matter what others may say or think.
Merry Christmas everyone! <3
I’ve always loved both of these characters. Rudolph of course, the underdog who saves the day! And then Clarice <33 I mean I always grew up loving the leading ladies. But Clarice especially has a special place with me. Poor Rudolph didn’t ask to be in his situation, but Clarice had a choice, she could have just quietly chilled with everyone else when Rudolph was made a pariah, but she chose to care more about him than she cared about social norms and what others would think. In fact, she isn’t swayed at all by others, she knows what she sees and has the self-confidence to trust herself even if no one else agrees (at first). She’s just such a strong character!
As someone who can be rather impressionable myself, watching this ever year is always a good reminder to me even as an adult that if you choose compassion toward other people you are always in the right, no matter what others may say or think.
Merry Christmas everyone! <3
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1497x1915px 1.32 MB
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so cute!