Wicked-Beasts's avatar


New home of the wicked
Years Ago
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Comments 35

anonymous's avatar
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KingKevzilla's avatar
The Kaiju Galaxy OC Art Jam has started. kaijugalaxy.jcink.net/index.ph…
Feel free to post your original kaiju and have fun.
Evodolka's avatar
i have several pictures that would fit into the Mythology part of this group, want to check them out?
ThunderSnowolf's avatar
The group's name is very insulting to all of the animals mentioned.
Also, the disapproval of humans into the group is misanthropy which is, might I add, speciesism. Humans and canines are both the same type of creature; animals. 
Tokengirls's avatar
Is anyone looking for an RP Partner? I just uploaded a Monster Movie themed one and wanted to see if anyone was interested. Original creatures are more than welcome.
bribri21's avatar
so like is any supernatural creature welcome here?
drawitout's avatar
Pretty much yea.
So long the media portrays clearly they're creatures/beasts of some form.