KH Sketches: EzekielWhyte-Tyger on DeviantArt

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KH Sketches: Ezekiel



New character thought up by me, ~Kutlessrocker and ~thefifthalice

The bottom right hand corner is Miya being approached by Zeke. Keiori, Lexil and Elli are creeping in the bg because its what they do.

Here are things about him!:
:bulletpurple: He's a wizard.
:bulletpurple: He's down to earth.
:bulletpurple: He's fun loving, but very serious about his studies.
:bulletpurple: He's prefers ice and gravity spells.
:bulletpurple: He's super friendly and likes breaking people out of their shells.
:bulletpurple: He's not very confrontational. He likes to find other solutions to problems before resorting to combat.
:bulletpurple: He loves teaching magic, reading, and a good story. :D

-backstory is a WIP-

Zeke (c) already stated.
Miya (c) *IrishPirateQueen
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3000x1800px 1.77 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Whyte-Tyger
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nitefyre410's avatar
This I love it - he looks awesome... .I like his profile too about not being very confrontational and looking for other ways of finding solutions to problems before blowing stuff up