NES Castlevania poster 2whittingtonrhett on DeviantArt

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NES Castlevania poster 2



my First Castlevania Poster of 2021!!!  Well, This Poster was a bit of an experiment and Something I have wanted to do for a good while now...I haven't really had a good opportunity to draw the New Smash Bros Simon, so I worked his new Costume design into this poster!  I have also wanted to Draw the Classic Bela Lugosi Dracula for a long time, and recently "Legendary Comics" published a Graphic Novel of Dracula with Bela Lugosi's likeness as Dracula and it gave me a wealth of reference material to work with for drawing him as Dracula! I have him featured here in his full red cloak like in the NES game, shooting fireballs at Simon...Tho I absolutely LOVE the staircase that leads up to Dracula's Lair/Throne Room, so I have them fighting out on it, with  the cloudy night sky, and Crescent moon in the background!  I was really happy with how this one turned out, with both Simon and Dracula, and the likeness to Bela Lugosi I was able to capture here.  The Whip was a Royal Pain in the A$$ and getting the perspective right on it took several tries and I'm still not 100% happy with it even now...but overall I think the piece  turned out pretty well!  I looked at it as a sort of remake of my 2016 NES Castlevania Poster.  It's cool to see how far I've come since then art-wise and what all I have learned with drawing and also my skills in Photoshop! I should have this available in my Etsy Shop as a print sometime soon! What do you all think? 
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3300x5100px 8.61 MB
© 2021 - 2025 whittingtonrhett
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areliusmars's avatar

I think you achieved far more than you believe. This is a wonderful piece and using Bela Lugosi's facial traits on Dracula just added more meaning to it. The perspective is very dynamic and your lines are amazing!