Funeral For a Friend Requiemwhittingtonrhett on DeviantArt

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Funeral For a Friend Requiem



I know it seems kind odd on the surface, kind of remaking a Dan Jurgens Superman Cover as a Tribute to George Perez.  but I have wanted to do this poster for a good while, and to be honest, It was George's passing that made me wanna jump back in to the realm of Superheroes and Do this one.  George Perez was always well known for his massive group shots in his artwork and comic pages, so I wanted to do something similar to that here. I kept the "Funeral for a Friend" Title because I thought it was appropriate and fitting for this. I am only just posting it now because It took me this long to Finish it.  These are all  DC Characters as they appeared in about 1995. (My favorite Era in the comics).  But anyway I liked doing this one and Hopefully it's a fitting tribute and all of you like it as well.  There will never be another Artist quite like George Perez.  I had the good fortune of meeting him a couple of times, and once  was just when we were both waiting for a ride out in the hallway of a convention Center.  He signed a couple of my books right there, and he didn't even have to.  HE was a Super nice guy and the Quality of his art was incredible and something to strive Towards.  
Image size
3300x5100px 8.1 MB
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