Bloodlines OFFICIAL Posterwhittingtonrhett on DeviantArt

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Bloodlines OFFICIAL Poster


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Journey back to 1995 and Mid-western countryside of  This was the first time I played Castlevania Bloodlines.  I was staying the night at my cousin's house, and he had a Sega Genesis. (I still only had a NES, but I had Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse and had Rented and Played/Beaten Simon's Quest)  So I already LOVED the series...Then I went to stay the night with my cousin and we went to the local video store to rent some games for the weekend, and there was a new Castlevania for Sega that I had never even heard of before...Castlevania Bloodlines!  I absolutely loved it.  Unlike a lot of the fan-base I didn't have a Super NES growing up, so I didn't get to experience Super CV4 until much later, so for me, this game really really felt like a turning point and Evolution in the series.  The music in particurlar blew me away with how it fit the mood and tone of the levels so perfectly.  (The music in the Leaning Tower stage almost implies a feeling of Vertigo)  So anyways, I have done some bits of art on this game off and on over the years, but nothing really concrete or worth showing.  So since I have been doing these posters of the CV games, I figured it was finally time to give Bloodlines a go.  

I purpously made John Morris really big and Bulky.  His Sprite definitely is, and I wanted to give that feeling with him.  He looks like a rugged Manly descendant of the Belmont clan.  and Eric Lecarde is featured here too.  He was a real treat to draw.  I love this Character.  I made him a bit more muscular than we sometimes see him, but I gave him a kinda feminine-ish face, sorta like Alucard.  and I was very happy with How Elizabeth Bartley and Dracula turned out. ( I shared individual pics of them both here in my gallery.)  All the main Stuff I wanted folks attention drawn to was in the middle, so I decided not to have anything but the Map of Europe on the left and right and all the main Characters kind of go in a "T" or Cross formation so the stuff in the background has a good chance to be seen, like Dracula's Castle (Castlevania) and the leaning Tower of Piza and Versailles Palace. It was also kind of Fun using the Sega Seal of Approval and also the Genesis logo for this project since I normally have used the Nintendo Logos and seal.  Also, I for the top of the poster, in the background I was able to perfectly use the background from  Dracula's Lair directly from the game.  I also had to re-Create the CV Bloodlines logo, which proved to be kind of challanging but also fun!  I found the exact font for the "Bloodlines" part of the logo and was able to use that.  I decided to go with the slightly more flashy version you see on the title screen. (for Some reason the used a kind of boring/Bland color scheme for the logo on the cover of the box that is mainly just red black and yellow with White Letters for "Bloodlines"...I tried them both but I really liked the one I ended up using the best.  lol by the time all these posters are done, I am gonna have a whole collection of re-created high-res logos from the various games haha...

Anyways, all in all, this poster came together pretty smoothly.  and it was a fun project!  Well Creatures of the Night...Until next time...(Thinking of maybe Doing Super CV4 or Castlevania Legends Next!) 
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3300x5100px 8.12 MB
© 2017 - 2025 whittingtonrhett
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Twilightwindwaker777's avatar

I like this. I like how blood is on Elizabeth's mouth. I'm actually looking for an image of Eric running his spear through her if such an image exists. I consider Eric fighting Elizabeth canon.