MIG - Richard 04whiteshaix on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/whiteshaix/art/MIG-Richard-04-381078354whiteshaix

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whiteshaix's avatar

MIG - Richard 04



June 24 was Richard's birthday. Did you really think I'd skip the celebration without even drawing a single portrait? Of course not!
So, this is my way to give him my best wishes. Portrait based on my favorite pic of MIG tour - he was playing Flake's keyboards during the "Bück dich" intro. :D
I kind of like the dramatic lighting. Besides, my gallery lacked a colored Reesh, you know =P

Richard Z. Kruspe is Rammstein's lead guitarist, in case you didn't know. But I bet you did.

Red marker outlines, colored in Photoshop CS2.
Image size
3026x3696px 18.5 MB
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Doujinshi-Ka's avatar
Faved this a while ago, but I keep on coming back to gawk at it. It's so lovely! The lightning is spot on (literally lol) and you've captured his looks of that tour perfectly! Awesome work. :heart: